
That's because AHS is bad and desperate to cover up its badness with "scary grossout" stuff that is comic in its desperation.

Nah, Negan needs to impress people - Rick's group and his own guys (stunts like this help keep them in line, too). So he'll pick the biggest overt badass, and that's Abraham.

From Negan's point of view, the most intimidating move is to kill the biggest overt badass, and that's Abraham.

Aaron would be so inconsequential, that it would be absurd. Why even bother?

Eh, Netflix blows big bucks all the time. See: Marco Polo, Marseilles.

Michael C. Hall should be Eddie. He's too scary for Frank. Your other two choices for Frank are both good!

Kid shoulda said "it IS contagious!" and send the bullies running. Then chase them around and threaten to breathe on them.

Then we can watch the thing I keep waiting for in this election: three burly Secret Service agents tackle Drumpf to the ground and frog-walk him off the stage. Hopefully to a cage in Gitmo.

It's in his contract so yeah.

I'm not surprised that people in show biz are gross and to survive there you need to be gross too.

Nah, I think Joe's dad is being played by someone else.

AirBnB those suckers. Advertise them as a one-of-a-kind vacation, spending your nights inside a storied NYC institution. Tourists will go nuts over this. Throw in some BS about ghosts for good measure and jack up those rents.

I'd say I'm envious of his sociopathic inability to feel shame or remorse. Seriously, imagine how that would streamline your life.

"I've seen hucksters in my time, but this guy really takes the cake! P.T. Barnum is seething in envy from beyond the grave."

It's hard for Americans to stomach Joe, Juliana and Frank because we want them to be aggressive and optimistic fighters for FREEDOM!!! a la Red Dawn. Juliana can force herself to be pretty brave but then reverts to being way too timid when she's not in frantic-action mode. Frank seems selfish and petty, and Joe is a

I'm not in love with Amazon's offerings in general, but now that they have that month-to-month subscription level, I'm more than happy to throw them ten bucks for this show alone.

This confirms it. Hamm needs to be cast as a superhero. Let's see, who's left…Warlock?

Where I work, males and females say all sorts of nutty things to each other and laugh our asses off about it. I keep worrying somebody (male or female) with no sensa humah will be hired and sue the company into oblivion for creating a hostile environment or not giving trigger warnings.

They've been popular among other knuckle-dragging morons like them, sure. Actual real life women like me find them contemptible and laughable. Unless you're talking about the gold-digging type who will put up with their bullshit until she can get what she wants to extract from him. Or the blank-eyed zombie type

"All guys talk like that" is the world's stupidest argument. Trump doesn't just talk like that, he's actually committed sexual assault, and we aren't voting for some locker room bro's for President. We should have a slightly higher standard for the leader of the most powerful nation on Earth than we do for a Burger