
You seem to be a fan of alt-reality. Have you watched The Man in the High Castle yet?

Are you kidding? For all the material Trump keeps sending SNL, they should send him a check every month!

What will SNL do when Trump loses? Oh right, that crybaby bigmouth is going to be the world's sorest loser (the election was stolen by Mexican rapists, etc.) and SNL is going to be wallowing in comedy gold for the foreseeable future.

I got this idea for a Tic Tac viral ad: a cartoon of a little Tic Tac person (stick arms and legs, face drawn on an oval shape) desperately trying to avoid being sucked into the odious maw of Trump's mouth, in extreme closeup. Poor Tic Tac, Trump's latest victim!

Here's the full list of Republicans, And When Each Got a Clue:

Tic Tac should coordinate with their rivals (Altoids, Certs, etc.) and do an ad that apes the Republicans where they disavow all support for Trump.

Tic Tac should jump on this golden opportunity for publicity. Find a photo of Trump at his most idiotic looking. Here's a good one:

New this fall on FOX!

Aw, Trumpy was a good looking guy about 30 years ago. Maybe that's what he's talking about.

Bush looks like Abraham Lincoln compared with Trump.

A lot of them live in the South or Rustbelt cities which are being passed over by the gung-ho globalized economy. I live in San Francisco, gung-ho central, and I've got more lucrative work possibilities than I can handle and my real estate values are going through the roof. The globalized economy looks great to me.

The Republican bullshit on economics (let's help the rich and it'll trickle down to the little guy - honest!) has been believed by a portion of the public for a long time, even though they should know by now they've been sold a bill of goods. But I guess it's hard to admit you've been a party to the destruction of

I have zero sympathy for Trump supporters, but I do recognize that a lot of them are desperate and angry because they've been utterly left behind by the globalized economy. I'm the sort of person who benefits from globalization because I have the skills to prosper in a disrupted, info-driven economy but millions of

NBC is only first because of football. Broadcast is a dead man walking overall.

That would certainly be the capper to the Craziest Race in Presidential History. Seriously, has there been a nuttier one? Even when things were crazy-corrupt in the 19th C? Even Andrew Jackson and the cheese wheel?

Wow! We have Trump's speechwriter in the audience - we're honored!

I'm trying to read the news stories, but my brain just keeps going: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Which explains why his brain has been rotted by alcohol poisoning.

And those guys in bars should not try running for the most powerful office on Earth. When will people learn what is acceptable for an employee of Burger King or Wal-Mart is not acceptable for someone with, among other things, a nuclear arsenal?

I think this was the Dems' October Surprise to knock Trump out of the race. I'm sure they were disappointed to see Trump doing such a good job of that himself, so they just shoved this tape out there with a shrug.