
Still not sold on the music. It's okay when it's an interesting mix of modern and old musical forms but when it's just a straight up pop song…ugh.

Ah crap. I like Underground and would rather see it on a service I already get, Netflix or Amazon. It deserves better than crappy Hulu.

My Netflix queue keeps growing like cancer. I like it when Netflix gets ready to boot a movie because it actually motivates me to watch it.

Do people still listen to critics anyway?

This may make Landgraf's job more difficult, but it's fine for viewers. We still only have X hours per week for TV, so more content just lets us get ever pickier.

So here's what's gonna happen with CBS and Star Trek. CBS is determined to make their streaming service a success, since that's the future and all, so they'll give Star Trek a long long leash to rope in Americans to subscribe to their service, that being the whole point of this exercise.

It's not "difficult,' it's just a matter of cold, hard cash. If X show or movie is locked out of your region, look around and you'll probably figure out who got the exclusive license who isn't Netflix or whoever you'd prefer them to be.

Flawlessly? Might want to compare their subscriber levels with Netflix's…

We already have Netflix/Spotify for news online. You'll be able to recognize them by realizing what people want out of news is not to be educated or informed. It's to live in an echo chamber where their preconceived opinions are amplified back to them like a loudspeaker. What people want is Fox News, but calibrated to

Any self-respecting antichrist would of course choose Natasha Lyonne as the babymama, This all makes perfect sense.

Don't worry, they'll just change it so there are lots of Nazis, car chases and multiple realities.

Too late! Sadly…far too late.

Stare into his blue, blue eyes…soon you will be a member of the Cult of Bomer…

You can rearrange the letters to spell Putin Karma! OH MY GOD!

Matt Bomer's blue eyes conquer all. That and his noisy online fan club, who made sure this show made the cut by stuffing the ballots at Amazon…

It will come in handy when they encounter Margherita Epsilon Tau.

With Rosario Dawson as her semi-feral Klingon second in command? - grin

If they do an ad-free tier for $12/month, I'll wait for the episodes to be up, and give them $12 for the whole thing. Fair price.

Can't beat Klingon opera. Well you could but it might be the last thing you ever do.