
Well at least "Discovery" implies they will be explorers more than soldiers like in the good ole days!

They just need to get Jim Caveziel for Adam Warlock and Al Pacino for Mentor now.

I was on Team Sackhoff, but this is an acceptable choice.

But we can dream, right?

I bet she can beat up Jessica Jones, though.

Damn, I thought it was an episode where Archer lectures the thugs on the copyright history of the Captain Marvel name.

That's cuz we gave you the easy job.

Just like the interwebs!

The writers threw softballs at Picard. If Picard had been shoved into the clusterfucks that Sisko had to deal with, he would have have been dithering in the stateroom while the Dominion blew up the whole fleet.

Aaaannnd…the thread slides into the muck pond of slash!

The clusterfuck was the writers who couldn't agree on who she was. One week, she abandons Starfleet principles to save her crew, the next week it's the reverse. It was entertaining as hell to think of this show as "the captain is flat out insane and the Stepford crew doesn't realize it." But it was still silly.

Vic Fontaine and His Racist Casino is going to be the name of my punk rock band.

The Sisko benefitted from having the best writers but I guess that still counts when judging fictional characters. They actually put some thought into "so how would a real smart guy handle this situation?" and came up with good answers.

Ah this old fight! Let me put on my red shirt (oh wait I seem to be wearing it all the time, hmm getting whiffy)…

And does HBO really have the stomach to become Netflix, even if they will have to? Netflix is now they place for House of Cards but also brainless schlock like Adam Sandler movies. Will HBO ever bring themselves to do that sort of thing and if they don't, they're cutting out a big range of potential subscribers who

Yeah that's because Netflix realized that TV series are better for "encouraging" people to continue their subscription past the free month because they gotta see what's next. Too easy to just watch a movie and then cancel the next day.

Netflix continues to hit it out of the park. If only they coulda pried Star Trek out of CBS's clutches. All in good time.

Not at all related. It's being shot in Toronto for Canadian tax credits. A lot of shows do that, streaming or otherwise. Why not get free money?

If the show is successful for Netflix and for CBS, then CBS will have even more incentive to hang onto it domestically. It will see Netflix's success as laying the groundwork for CBS to expand and compete with Netflix globally. I'm sure that's their plan, use Netflix to pave the way for them to compete.

It's inevitable that CBS has to try their best to become a Netflix competitor. Plan B is to fall back on merely making content for Netflix to distribute. That's a business, but not the business CBS has been used to, where they are a distributor and in the driver's seat.