
Nope, skip it unless you're curious to see Ehrenreich's performance. The Hollywood movie parodies were fun, but the Commie plot was stupid and pointless (as they so often are.)

Oscar Isaac was great in Llewyn Davis, and he was the only good thing about The Force Awakens.

Han Solo tries the line once, shrugs, picks up his gun and shoots Ralph Fiennes.

Nothing Doofus-like about this statement.

The villains are Middle-Eastern Babylonian demons. Build a wall!

Is it Alec Baldwin's voice?

Netflix should work on upgrading their content but these social features or "random shuffle" would probably be a lot cheaper to implement than actually licensing new content.

How about Lost, in Chronological Order? But that would require re-editing the whole series because it's the scenes, not whole episodes, that need to be placed in order.

Netflix does need a couch potato mode that goes beyond just Recommended for You for folks who don't even want that much control. They also need to make more use of the social aspect, and this Flixtape thing is a reasonable idea.

I wish they'd go forward with the Galaxy Quest TV series, even if Alan Rickman isn't around to reprise his role, RIP. It's still a great concept,

Evil Corp would be embarrassed to have a logo so bad. Say what you like about them, at least they hire competent graphic designers.

Gawd, and I thought Hillary's Fed-Ex logo was awful!

I don't know anyone in real life who gives a flip about Ghostbusters. They are too busy chasing Pokemons.

Jenji Kohan clearly isn't interested in anyone's political agenda or creating narratives that make anyone feel good about themselves through moral superiority. Her goal is to make the audience uncomfortable by challenging them to sympathize with pretty much every character in the cast, whether they are a white

In the "Using Netflix for Clickbait" Olympics, AV Club has a lot of catching up to do.

Netflix automatically plays the new Adam Sandler/David Spade movie after everything. It's like they think we have too good taste and want to drag us all down a notch or ten.

The article admits (at the end) that this in fact has nothing to do with Netflix. But Netflix is good for clickbait.

Move Along Home is great to watch high.

Watch the first season pilot, Duet and the last episode, then start in on S2. Maybe watch Battle Lines too.

Enterprise is the opposite: Start watching at season 4.