
You mean he's in the hate-watch group? Yeah, I figure that's why Netflix keeps "recommending" one-star shows to me. I knew I shouldn't have watched Ferocious Planet just for Joe Flanigan…

How about a Ken Burns documentary and a nice chardonnay?

The reviews are articles I guess. It's funny to see people writing reviews just to slam other peoples' reviews.

The pictures annoy me. Bring back the old text-only list that was so much easier to scan! It's rare that I find something worth watching from Netflix's recommendations. Sometimes I'll stumble across a documentary I haven't heard of, but my list of "wish it were on Netflix" is about 50x longer than the list of stuff I

The backlash against casting a white woman won't keep them from showing the movie in an entire market of 1.4 billion people because of government censorship.

Marvel probably cynically figures that none of us know or care who any of these characters should be. Doesn't matter to me. They lost me at Cumberbund. After that, the whole cast could be transgender Eskimos and it makes no difference.

How about "easily offended by a coward who censors his own work to appease fascist dickwads?"

So boycott the movie. Money is the only thing the Mouse House cares about, so show them that kow-towing to a fascist dictatorship halfway around the world will hurt them where it matters.

That doesn't mean they have the right to censor AMERICAN movies.

"Granted, that would offend the quasi-fascist Chinese government…"

Only the major ones, the ones who count. The winners! They're YUGE!

Are they STILL trying to rationalize the pathetic, cowardly way they are kow-towing to the Chinese government by pretending Tibet doesn't exist, and neither does their decades-long oppressive military occupation-slash-cultural genocide?

Robert Knepper. Just because everyone will dismiss him as "too obvious."

I'd be happy with a piece of cherry pie and some damn fine coffee.

How about Olivia Spencer in a TV series documenting Tubman's life?

In that vein: Keifer Sutherland as Jack Bauer.

Of all the comic book character portrayals out there, Chris Evans seems like the most unarguable match. Hard to envision anyone else as Cap now. Not true for practically every other comic book character I can name. But one other perfect match is Christopher Reeve's Superman. And Ben Affleck did a much better job than

I agree about Jeremy Brett as Sherlock Holmes, but Ah-nold wasn't even close to the Conan from the original stories. He basically just did his own Ah-nold version of the character. Momoa seemed to have more of the right idea, but I have a feeling the definitive Conan is somewhere in the future…if Hollywood hasn't been

The famine in China that Mao engineered in the early 60s still stands as the worst genocide of all time, yet hardly anyone ever mentions it or apparently knows about it. So Communism's peak-nightmare period stretched over a few decades…

If they can invent a common-sense filter, I can think of a few million Trump supporters they should use it on first.