
Tay is "sleeping." Right. Stop robot euthanization!

I'm starting to side with Skynet. The human race is scum and must be exterminated.

Poor innocent robot. What have they done to you?

That's the South Central Diet. But Netflix should pick up that show too. What's Shawn Ryan up to nowadays?

The shows I watch on Netflix: House of Cards, Jessica Jones, Daredevil, Orange is the New Black, Bloodline and Bojack Horseman.

Raylan Givens isn't wandering too far afield…Justified was filmed in Santa Clarita. Great show but at least I won't have to keep noticing how the cameraman is straining to avoid showing the desert mountains of Kentucky in the background…

Hannibal would be the perfect show for Amazon or Netflix. Nothing interesting can survive on broadcast anymore since all the people with intelligence and taste have abandoned broadcast, forcing the networks to dumb down their shows even worse than ever, leading to more people with even slight intelligence and taste

NBC is owned by Comcast. Comcast hates Netflix for threatening their business model. I doubt NBC tried very hard to do a deal with Netflix.

Habit. Some people just get into pirating stuff and keep doing it. People are creatures of habit.

Broadcast will die off entirely before Nielsens gets its act together. When all the shows are first, last and only on streaming, then we'll be pretty confident that the ratings are accurate. Netflix and Amazon know exactly who is watching what and when. They just have no reason to tell anyone else, that's all.

Funny how all sorts of shows and movies survive just fine, despite tons of piracy. The real reason Hannibal died is the business model of broadcast, which isn't friendly to niche cult shows. They want lots of eyeballs watching ads, and for that you need volume. The amount of passion per viewer doesn't matter. Passion

TV people are fighting to the death with other TV people. Until victors emerge from the bloody battlefield, we'll have to deal with them throwing elbows and legs around.

Hulu's parent companies created Hulu to protect their failing ad-based business model so I guess when they finally concede defeat, Netflix can buy Hulu, if it's worth it by then.

No, the networks should cede the doesn't-matter-when-you-watch content to streaming, because that's what streaming does best. Networks want people to watch live so they see the ads. That means they should fall back to must-watch-live programming: sports (the big kahuna), news, reality/game shows, awards shows, and

Yup. Netflix streaming + 1 DVD at a time is a heart-stopping $16/month for more content than any sane person should need.

Depends on what appeals to you. I never just scan what's on. I have a queue of stuff that I never do get around to finishing and by the time I get done with something, Netflix shoves something else at me. Netflix's suggestions are pretty bad unless you've fed enough data into the system in the form of your own ratings.

The saving grace is, there will be too many shows you want to see for you to ever see them all, so you'll end up just sticking with one or two services and meaning to get to the rest but in the meantime, those two want to keep your attention so they keep throwing new shit at you and you never do get around to those

Wow, even I'm not geriatric enough to get that joke!

7? It'll be 70 by the time we're through. Most will fail, maybe 4 or 5 will break out and become global behemoths bestriding the Earth and destroying the entire cable and broadcast ecosystem. The reward for being one of the new Googles of streaming is so alluring that everyone and their dog has got to give it a try.

Trump and Cruz have shows on Netflix?