
And Oz! Wacky trash.

Bloodline is too boring and draggy to be truly great. But maybe in S2?

Mr. Robot started off strong but by the end, its derivative nature was really showing.

Not anymore.

BBT is one of the most pirated shows around. This boggles my mind, that anyone would bother to steal that crap.

This is because the old white males making the decisions built their careers knowing the ad-based business model and if things change, they get booted to the street in favor of a Silicon Valley wunderkind.

Their real revenue source is investors who keep throwing money at them to burn through. Netflix isn't profitable yet.

Who's "they"? Maybe if "they" was Apple. Who has the clout and the money to create a true a la carte streaming service?

Okay CBS I'll subscribe for Star Trek. But that's just about the only thing that will get me to do that. And only if Angela Bassett is captain. Netflix + one month per year of CBS All Access won't break the budget.

This is more about drama and comedy. Sports is different because while any schmoe can write a drama or comedy, launching a new sports team that anyone cares about is a bit more complicated. Sports is like there was a CSI and a NYPD Whatever and more shows like that, that dominate decade after decade and I Love Lucy is

Insert joke about gushing like the Amazon here.

Why should critics worry about being snowed under by shows? Everyones a critic nowadays. That spreads the workload out. I gotta wonder why critics even still get paychecks. Or do they?

More stuff just means we all get to be fussier about what we're willing to spend time on. I'm even starting to wonder whether House of Cards is worth bothering with this season. Seems like the fun is over.

The day will come when Francis Underwood doesn't get away with something, and that will be fun to watch. In the meantime, Spacey, Wright and Kelly are all extremely watchable actors and it's worthwhile for them alone, since between the three of them, they pretty much cover the whole series.

Why can't people like both? And HoC is in no way a comedy. Maybe the dire seriousness of the proceedings has an allure.

My boss just became a big HoC fan after watching the first episode on a plane. I should send this to him.

Captain Angela Bassett reporting for duty, sir.

I wouldn't mind the new series bringing back the Borg but minus the silly Queen concept.

I still can't believe the Dominion made that huge fuss about the Federation deciding to colonize their territory. The nerve!

Real estate values in San Francisco have plummeted due to it being a continual target of alien attacks and time-travelling whale incursions.