
Real estate is the one thing Star Trek does not lack, not with habitable planets around every corner (if there were corners in space) and Starfleet there to blow up the inconvenient aliens who think hey that's MY planet.

You guys all have to wear man-skirts.

Gold lamé for me. It's making a comeback.

As long as we aren't electing unitards, accent on the tard.

Remember that guy who said he hated replicated tomatoes and the natural ones were a lot better? He could have been completely delusional - when you're assembling a tomato from atoms, how could that look or taste different from the tomato that naturally grew from the same arrangement of atoms? - but I fully believe

Yeah! Nanobots explain a lot.

The robots could be nanobot swarms and we'd never see them. Tiny robot swarms make the most sense for a lot of tasks anyway. Far more flexile than assigning the job to some huge roomba.

Considering how many wars Starfleet is constantly getting into, the Federation has never been a utopia. Just a really interesting and at times scary place to live.

Remember that guy who claimed he could tell the difference between a replicated tomato and a "real" one? And Jadzia had to create some damn candle by her own hands in order to marry Worf. Couldn't sub in some replicated crap. Who knows if there's a real difference, but there's a psychological one, that's for sure.

Vineyards and antiques and all that would still be cultivated and created by people who love those things. The only activities and objects that would vanish or be done by robots are the boring things.

The base materials are simply atoms, plus a whoooole lot of magical energy which comes from dilithium crystals. The matter part isn't the crazy thing; the energy is crazy.

Most of the robots wouldn't be humanoid. They'd be like the "robots" we know - like the machines we are using to type out these posts - or the machines that deliver the posts to the right place - or Roombas - that kind of thing. Robots created for specific purposes that allow people to do new fun and interesting

Nano-bots could handle a whole lot of stuff like cleaning toilets without anyone even seeing them, which would handily explain why nobody ever has seen them.

Either the servers are part of an artisan class (who says being a server isn't a creative job? they need expertise in the cuisine and the ability to match the right dinner to the right diner) or that's done by robots or other machines. Easy enough to get food to materialize from the kitchen right on the table and then

There are probably a lot of robots doing the nasty jobs. They wouldn't necessarily be humanoid or even visible. Why couldn't roving bands of microscopic bots swarm around spaceships and other living areas, quietly disintegrating debris and using it as a power supply? Ditto for restaurants…the dishes magically appear

The replicator destroyed capitalism by creating limitless abundance of material goods. The no-money thing started with TNG, which is also where the replicator was introduced. In TOS, Kirk talks about people earning their paychecks, ok, that could be a metaphor, but look at how frantic Kirk is to get the Horta to stop

It probably will be. Star Trek is a massive global brand and CBS will license the hell out of it.

I think the movies and TV series will be highly independent.

Fuller's notion to bring on Angela Bassett and Rosario Dawson is a good start. I like the idea of Stanley Tucci and Michelle Yeoh in Star Trek too.

Flukeworms. Thank you, X-Files.