
She should follow that up by lecturing black people for not supporting Ben Carson.

Catching up on Mr. Robot. Great show, LOVE Rami Malek, not sure what the big deal is about Christian Slater who is just playing Christian Slater as per usual. Many really strong supporting characters. The Swedish headcase is getting tiresome, but the wine-loving CTO who smacked him down is probably my favorite

Given the build up, I expected something other than a bunch of average SNL quality skits. Hmm.

So their data is gleaned from Americans who watch Netflix on phones, when half the subscribers aren't Americans and few of them are silly enough to stream shows on their tiny phones. This guy could teach a top to spin.

I haven't watched the whole thing, but burning a human corpse makes a horrible stench by all accounts. So nobody among all the family members on that compound noticed an awful stench?

Only halfway thru as of yet, but man oh man, is there high lead content in the water of Manitowoc County because everyone, civilians and cops alike, seem like they're suffering from extreme brain damage.

They've already got a long shortlist of actors who don't look anything like Harrison Ford. Why add another?

"Son, you got a panty on yore head."

Two of my favorite movies of all time!

Clooney + The Coens = comedy gold. One of my most anticipated movies.

This is what happens when the internet generates too much slash fanfic. It impinges on reality.

He can splain to us how he managed to have a granddaughter while being a Jedi monk. Oh wait was that a spoiler?

But it will be even BIGGER this time, like the size of a whole solar system!

Chewbacca would rip your arm off for that comment. He's a very handsome Wookie!

Star Trek: Stride Mother. Hmm. Has potential.

Ironically, you've figured out why CBS and Paramount are doing this. Corporations who don't aggressively defend their copyright run the risk of losing it on exactly that basis: you didn't defend it when Mary Sue wrote her 100,000 word opus about Kirk and Spock's everlasting love. What makes you think you have the

I'm more invested in her acting ability, which could use a coach before the next installment. As General Leia, she should be a key player. But based on her performance in the recent Mary Sue fan film, I'm not sure I want to see a whole lot more from her. However, she looks great for her age.

When JJ Abrams is attached, yeah it is.

Accurate synopsis of Star Wars. Had a lot of the same problems as Abrams' Star Trek. He knows what emotional notes he wants to hit, but doesn't have the cleverness or patience to get there organically through a well-written story so he just dumps it into the middle of the narrative without any attention to build-up or

That movie would have been 100% better with More Oscar Isaac. They made a serious strategic error by featuring him in the opening scenes and making it look like the whole damn movie would have his energy. And them BLAM they ditch him and turn it over to Mary Sue Jedi with two expressions in her acting repertoire.