
Got dragged to the new Star Wars movie over Xmas…bleh, what a disappointment, warmed over fanfic starring Mary Sue Jedi. Don't get your hopes up too high, gang. OTOH, Oscar Isaac rocks and Kylo Ren is genuinely interesting…how do they turn a character like that into an impressive villain? Judging from the online

Hey Netflix, have you noticed what success Amazon has had with its loopy weird Man in the High Castle? Try more of that, less stuff that could just as well air on broadcast.

The hot young one, not the old ugly one.

That should be Netflix's corporate motto.

That's actually a terrible so-called documentary.

That's my whole list too. Netflix needs some crazy-ass sci fi like The Man in the High Castle and no Sense8 doesn't count.

But that ties into the novel - the idea that objects contain chi and can do magical things. I re-watched the pilot and that idea is introduced right away. I think the core of this story is going to have something in common with Star Wars, both being based on Asian philosophy at their heart. There's a will or a Force

Yeah that makes sense. But how do the films get made?

88 reichmarks. That's a good salary for Der Furher.

I already suspect that. And given the insane attention to detail in this series, I doubt they could have made a mistake like that. I think this a reality in which the world is about to go kaboom. We're going to see many realities before this is through.

I'm looking forward to visiting the reality where Hitler is a nice guy. Maybe he's been making the films and sending them to his evil self in a bid to stop him from being a genocidal maniac. What if you were a nice person and found out there was a reality where you were a vicious lunatic? Given Many World Theory, not

His relationship with the girlfriend was pretty sad since he obviously was just in it so he could compensate for his own fatherless childhood by providing a father for her son. It was painfully obvious he wasn't all that interested in her. Another reason why it was easy for him to fall for Juliana. He wasn't otherwise

The book might explain why the dull stuff with the fake antiques was inserted into the story - it's thematically important, not just padding - okay it's probably also padding. But really this show is veering so far away from the book that I don't think reading the book will help.

This is the story Fringe ripped off. And Sliders. And Star Trek (both City on the Edge of Forever and Mirror, Mirror). Too bad they can't rewrite history and make this all fresh and original again, huh?

That's the big risk here, that this will all devolve into a very well-produced version of Sliders. Or that Star Trek Mirror Universe series we've always wanted. Oh no what happens when our Sorta Okay Joe meets Really Evil Joe in the reality where SF got nuked? Those kinds of games are just too hackneyed at this point,

They haven't had time to show us where they're going yet, but I'm starting to get the idea that the real story is to explore the malleability of human nature by introducing us to Joe, Juliana and Frank (and probably others) in one reality and then having them meet their dopplegangers in other, very different realities

Maybe there's a cosmos in which Hitler is a good guy. I'm perfectly serious. If this is "infinite parallel realities" time, and we have seen at least 3 realities so far, there has to be a cosmos in which Hitler is good.

The three leads are dull because they are gumby characters. Looks to me like the story will focus on the alternate selves of Joe, Juliana and Frank, and how circumstances change them. They need to be malleable for this to work. First up will be Evil Mirror Universe Joe from the film. It's an absolute certainty we will

Oh come on, he'll be back. he's the center of the story. If you don't like him, drop the show now.

Sorry, Joe is the center of this story, the one character who changes the most depending on circumstances. I think we all know there's a 110% chance that we'll meet Evil Mirror Universe Joe from the film, probably during S2. The fact that Joe is a gumby character who is highly malleable by circumstances is WHY he is