
Is that the "real" timeline? As PKD would have asked, IS there even a "real" timeline to be found? I think that timeline is the one where the Cuban Missile Crisis blows up the world. Nazi-land isn't the worst of all the alternatives.

Joe isn't really that much of a cypher. They've laid out a pretty simplistic character outline for him. He grew up without a dad, so he's searching for a family. The only "family" available to him growing up was the Nazi party. He didn't fit in there, either, to his credit: he got kicked out of the Hitler Youth. But

Yes, there are three universes, which kind of implies a lot more. Why would the universe stop at three? There could be as many universes as events that could happen. Everything you can envision happening does happen in one universe or another.

Possible spoilers ahead if you're the sensitive type…I guess I'm weird. I loved the show, and the "boring" leads. They grew up in fascist dystopias and learned to survive by keeping their heads down. They're not going to be doing the macarena in Carmen Miranda headdresses in Time's Square. I'm really interested in

The only way to make Dr. Smith work as a plausible character is for him to be a genius botanist a la the Martian who is the only one who can make plants grow on their planet and keep everyone alive. So Major West can't vaporize the guy. Just look at the size of those carrots!

It needs it.

And LiS is originally a CBS show too! This is Netflix's revenge for CBS not selling them the Star Trek rights like they demanded.

My hunch is that CBS decided to revive Star Trek for their streaming service after being incessantly pestered by Netflix for the rights to do a new series. CBS figured there must be money in it. Since their Star Trek hopes are dashed, this is Netflix's stealth Star Trek series, to appeal to the masses of subscribers

Dammit, you beat me to it!

I'll kick off the fan casting with: Michael Emerson as Dr. Smith. From Lost to LiS.

I'm usually too bored by AHS to finish it. S1 was good, but S2 started to really meander in the latter part of the season because they obviously didn't have enough story to fill the whole season. S3 was so godawful boring I wanted to kill someone just watching it. I'm trying to get thru S4, medium on the scare scale,

I couldn't finish The Nightmare because it was too boring, not too scary. Somebody should do a GOOD documentary on sleep paralysis, not a hokey collection of dull anecdotes.

McConaughay would be one of the few actors who could nail the freaky space Jesus schtick, this is 99% confirmation that's what they're going for (Magus style). If not McConaughay, they should get Jim Caveziel, an even better freaky space Jesus, who has unarguably angelic looks, fitting the role of Star-Lord's daddy,

I could see him as Magus. They should call Jim Caveziel's agent, because that guy would be even better, his series is ending, and a comic book movie would be a step up for his career.

Joaquin Phoenix turned down Doctor Strange. The bastard! He should be forced to play the villain in GotG 2 except he's probably a little short for a stormtroo…err Magus.

My bet is the villain is either Star-Lord's dad or Warlock's evil future self-Magus or maybe they're the same guy, whee!

Bond is a throwback to British imperialism, and as such, needs to be white, male and at least outwardly heterosexual. (Sorry, the minute you said "British masculinity," my mind went straight to "closet case.")

Batman IS gay. Just ask Robin.

My money says Ballbusters is a box office success. Of course that doesn't dictate that we need a gay female Bond. I don't see Bond as being as flexible and expandable as Ghostbusters. Bond is basically a throwback to British imperialism (sort of like Doctor Who, another character who "can't" be female or nonwhite, for

This sounds like Crazy Eye's next porno masterpiece.