
Who better not be gay.

They should cast Idris Elba as Bond and make him a transgender woman.

The best part is the aggressive, self-important titles that tell you that you are in SLOVAKIA or BOTSWANA! I don't know why, but it makes me laugh every time.

Same here. It's a good "chaser" for The Walking Dead. When the zombies get too intense, I switch to the show where the big threats are well-fed stunt lions phoning it in and kitty cats in trees.

At 9000 feet? Hope you aren't prone to altitude sickness.

Just wait till the whole season is on Netflix and watch it within a couple weeks. Any weakness gets muted when there's always another episode to watch…and no ads…really improves a weak show to watch it that way, and makes a strong one even better, and movie-like. Not exactly binge watching but speed watching.

Lost episode of Voyager?

Hard to see how you could make a movie on that topic that wasn't some kind of twisted comedy. Not sure who would have the stomach to do that, or see it.

That turgid Generation War didn't help. People should just watch Judgement at Nuremberg again. How many movies on this topic do we even need.

Shove "monetizing" in there somewhere.

Pirates yarrr. Real ones.

And climbing. That's what people always miss about Netflix, the audience is GLOBAL. No cable or broadcast network has ever been capable of reaching a global audience with the same service. It''s been a patchwork of distribution channels, all taking their cut, resulting in an expensive, inefficient system (and

The best part of Dexter was Dexter. Yvonne was hired onto the show long after it passed its sell-by date.

The stewardesses were played by interesting actresses and the least interesting of the four became the most famous (the one who's playing Harley Quinn now). Whatever happened to the redhead and the French one? I liked them best!

Alcoholism and infidelity is hilarious! 23 Skiddoo!

Oh just watch The Man in the High Castle. You'll forgive them soon enough.

Heh heh. Well the abolitionist Confederate Bullen "Sullen" Cullen or whatever the heck his name was finally did admit, "yeah I totally lied about that" even though it was wildly out of character for him to give a shit enough about other people's opinions to baldly lie about his beliefs. One of the less believable

The Man in the High Castle debuts in a couple months I think.

Z is a comedy? Hmm, okay. That one has potential, and Highston too.

All of the Murdoch empire has marching orders to go after Netflix because Netflix is stealing Foxtel's subscribers in Australia and the writing is on the wall what's gonna happen all over the world.