
Your Blockbuster must have been better than mine. Half the time I'd walk out with nothing because all the good stuff was already rented. At least when Netflix says it has something, it's there.

But Orphan Black would still lose. The Americans IS the best show on TV now. Fargo is the only competition. The Emmys are so full of it.

Err well no it's not. Narcos is good but disjoined and it's a bit tedious to watch a story communicated mostly thru subtitles and voiceover narration. The Americans and Fargo are both way better.

Yep, I watch all the FX shows that interest me on Netflix, even if I have to suffer thru DVDs for The Americans and Fargo (their best two current shows). Dropped cable years ago. Nothing on God's green Earth will make me go back. Give up, FX, and put your stuff on streaming.

Bloodline isn't that risky. It's a murder mystery amidst a wealthy and well connected family, pretty standard stuff really. Sense8 may be risky but it's also crap, just more stupid Wachowski twaddle, and yes I did suffer all the way thru the first season to confirm it was in fact crap.

FX does have some stellar shows. So why don't they just put them all on Netflix (especially The Americans!) and everybody wins. Go ahead and release the episodes a full year after cable. We'll wait.

Please eliminate CBS, FOX and NBC in that order. Then eliminate ABC and the CW, and start in on cable (TNT and ESPN can go first). Oh wait, that'll happen anyway. [rosannadanna]Nevermind[/rosannadanna]

The more TV there is, the more selective we can be. Mentally rank the shows you follow and start lopping off the bottom ten percent (kinda how Amazon HR does it).

Consumers don't accept ads anymore - everyone uses ad blockers and DVRs to zap ads. That's just the PR firm talking, trying to deny that the Titanic hit that iceberg. Well, okay. But it's just a scratch.

No, he's right. Media corporations got scared of Netflix training all of us to hate ads (like we need to be trained?) and Hulu is their "solution." Hulu sucks because its parent corporations won't let it not suck. Hulu is doomed.

That's why we want a system where WE, not the advertisers, are the entire point. Netflix is structured that way. I give them my money, I expect them to put me first. When Hulu has that mindset, maybe I'll give them a look. Otherwise, I'm happy watching BoJack Horseman, Narcos and whatever else they wanna throw my

Ya ever get the feeling these guys' hearts aren't in this whole streaming thing?

Scorpy MADE that show.

They should have had Harry Kim Borged and then rescued, with an attempted rehabilitation that never really took but kept him a just-barely functional member of the crew. That would have avoided the need to have Barbie of Borg show up, would have increased the angst level (because Harry had been a member of the crew),

Seven of Nine was an absurd addition. If they wanted their own Borg, they should have Borged Harry Kim. Would have made him interesting at long last.

Oh YOU'RE the one who's responsible!

The ad-supported TV business will be defunct before Nielsens gets its shit together.

Right. So Nielsens' "accuracy" is going to be suspect since it's in their interests to exaggerate Netflix ratings for the benefit of Nielsens' clients, who are paying for the data (i.e., the content producers). We're just going to end up with conflicting data produced by parties with a motive to lie about the data.

The third party here (Nielsens) isn't "keeping anyone honest." They are desperate to remain relevant as ad-supported TV goes down the drain, and their new service is to provide ammo to content creators who want to renegotiate their licenses with Netflix.

Or Netflix could say that hits don't matter to them in a subscription business. A show that is watched by 2M people could be more valuable to them than a show watched by 20M if the 2M show makes subscribers renew their subscription while the 20M show is okay enough to watch but doesn't generate renewal-level passion.