Poorly drawn T&A pose badly based on pinup art. Both butt cheeks should not be visible. Women can’t really naturally bend that way. *shrug* Not that that matters.
Poorly drawn T&A pose badly based on pinup art. Both butt cheeks should not be visible. Women can’t really naturally bend that way. *shrug* Not that that matters.
You’re the one making the claim. Internet custom is that if you make a controversial statement, you back it up with links to your source. I can only assume, then, that you are making this stuff up as you go along.
Please post this data you keep mentioning...
I’m a huge fan of The Railroad 100% because Deacon is the most interesting companion. Well, that and the ballistic fabric perk. That was an awesome surprise. Now I’m running around in armored summer shorts and I look amazing!
Is it November 11 yet?
It's not quite a little more friendly as it is a little less creepy to play.
I love most of what you say here, however as someone who fought in armored combat for awhile in the SCA women in those kinds of combat situations move very differently than men. we lead with different feet in comparison to our dominant arm, we hold things differently. We throw shots from our hips and not our…
Women claiming sexual empowerment for themselves is one thing. Some dudebro writing a sexually "empowered woman" is another. They do not usually resemble the same thing.
That is some seriously creepy Dreams of a Life shit.
Reading for comprehension is not your strong suit, huh? I said if you don't want your movement hijacked by crazies then you *need* a leader and a dedicated spokesperson. Preferably they are the same person. Otherwise, just give up because with no clear message the crazies will always take hold of the asylum. It…
"So we can never take it back?"
My daughter says she's scared not to tip the storyteller but she also sees the ghost girl.
Nah. That is definitely a very London "Fookin' 'ell!"
Women loving Highlanders is not a new phenomenon. I've been in the SCA 22 years and the entire time I've been a member women have gone gaga over the kilts. I've read romance novels on and off for even longer and kilt books have been a major part of that genre all that time as well. They're not my thing and never have…
Feh. Where are all the mostly naked men?
Nope. You're not alone. I totally rooted for Blane.