
If you keep repeating it’s good, maybe you’ll believe yourself.

All fair, and your last point is one of my biggest issues with the book.

Being out of touch with pop culture today is actually key to faithfully adapting Ready Player One, though.

Would it be possible to ruin the book?

Moments like this I realise I live in a very sheltered liberal bubble. Maybe it’s living in NYC but I don’t know a single person who got offended or felt threatened by Beyonce’s video. Also, who the hell are these people? The video and song are catchy and yeah the political elements are there but they’re pretty light

Listening to the Serial podcast I kept thinking “Isn’t the there someone who seems a tiny more innocent you could be fighting for?”

I think he did it.

The overarching corporation that is Mattel is very good at missing the point. They did a three-pronged Barbie relaunch a little more than a year ago that no one covered because it was boring. They made Barbie a superhero and the aesthetic was so far from the point as to wonder if Mattel stuck capes on their budget

ALso, when are we getting a series about the Boxcar Children? Those books were the shit when I was in first grade. AND the Magic Treehouse books as well. Give me all the series about books I read in kindergarten/first grade.

His lesbian remark was bad enough, but the time he said “I’m never disappointed in Supergirl. Only in you” to Kara simply because she hugged Jimmy was worse.

I like the idea of them doing a bunch of short series of minor DC characters all in a shared Universe. That could be easier to maintain longterm than a saturation of series no one wants to watch more than 6 episodes of.

I find myself growing increasingly annoyed with characters being dumb because the plot couldn’t advance if they weren’t. I listen to a few horror podcasts when I’m at work, and way too many writers, professional and amateur, fall back on some variation of “I knew I shouldn’t go back into the evil

It kinda starts to get on the right track...I love the books so I want to like the show. Episode 4 gives me a bit of hope but I’m still having trouble with the way the characters are being portrayed.

If you disliked the first three, you won’t change your mind in episode 4 (unless your complaint was lack of pew-pew, than maybe try one more time). I can’t imagine the things you dislike won’t grow as the season continues.

I will chime in here. I’m a fan of the books, and I actually did not like the first 3 episodes of The Expanse.

Obviously your mileage may vary. It took me until late in the third episode for the show to really hook me; like the first two definitely had interesting moments but nothing that made me feel like I needed to see more. In particular in the first two episodes I found a few of the characters to be ... too similar?

I guess the problem people have here is the lack of internal logic to it all. Like, there has been such a long history of Jezebel authors being indignantly outraged because so-and-so made a comment about some woman’s body, and so there has been a huge culture against “body shaming” here... doubly so if has to do with

Agreed, I think it was better to keep things as lean and efficient as possible. Dunno about anyone else, but I’m kinda burnt on action-fantasies tending toward 2-1/2 hour-plus runtimes. Is the story really that rich or are the producers testing my patience (and ass) with self-indulgence? (For ROTS, pretty much; The

Return Of The King may have won all the awards, but that should have ended at least an hour earlier.

In the leaked rumours that began early on, there was no “map piece”, there was only Luke’s sabre. I don’t know if after the change they digitally removed it or reshot the closeups and references to it, but I think that scene is part of that old use of the sabre as the maguffin.