
I missed the part where she said anti-vax propaganda is wrong, and that she’s learned from trusted medical professionals that the vaccines are safe and should be taken by everyone who’s eligible.

I said this in different words in the last version of this thread, but it bears repeating: Disney made the right call in pivoting to streaming given the unprecedented times we are living in. They made the absolutely wrong call in not involving all the stakeholders (including the stars of their movies) in the process,

Thanks for the Facebook level disinformation.

Pretty sure they won’t go that route. With the exception of the Flash mob (heh... sorry) the vast majority of the CWDC shows tend to avoid that sort of trust problem these days. The first half of Batwoman S1 is almost entirely based on Kate telling everyone the secret stuff (bar her Batdentity of course) and having to

I wasn’t catching any Bolton, but I did pick up some Chicago “You’re the Inspiration” vibes.

This article was really disappointing. Barbie’s obsession with pushing careers and the same white face for 60 years was as exhausting then as it is now as it was then. Sure, we’ve all played shopkeeper as kids, and it’s great if Barbie is inspiring girls to become doctors with her pink stethoscopes, but to call the

This. Gaslighting involves the intent of making its target doubt their own senses and memories. It involves the creation of an alternate reality.

Generally agreed, and it would be nice if people in the media actually used word like lie and liar about Trump. But I think gaslighting works well here because it’s a more specific, more elaborate thing. When my wife asks me if I actually ate sixteen oreos for breakfast and I deny it, that’s a lie. But if I were to

Sleep however the fuck you can, because you’re going to spend that last month or so waking up every hour (at most) on the dot to pee anyway. 

Nobody: “Hillary please, but male this time, and with dementia.”

You’re too-easily shocked.

Gee, it’s almost like a lot of people in their late 70’s often suffer from a decline in their mental faculties which causes them to sound confused and forgetful and makes them poor candidates for almost any job where mental sharpness is a major factor.

He’s just not fit for office. Electibility only goes so far. He’s the old uncle at the cookout still wanting to play R. Kelly and doesn’t know why people aren’t stepping in the name of love.

It’s not only the entry positions that get scammed for lower wages than the mirror position in a non-entertainment market. The mid specialist and sometimes seniors are under the same pressure - doing A LOT of a work, past-time or otherwise free, to be kept in line for a promotion, raise or... to get even paid in the

Yeah, no. I’m not taking any responsability for billionaires unable to manage their business properly and treating their employee like shit. I - and everyone who criticized the design - had absolutely no role in this shitshow. This is entirely on the studio's hands. 

Yeah the Kmart in my local area is closing and had up to “75%” off everything. So I go and start checking things out. I noticed everything was really high, so I started comparing to Amazon, and even with the discounts most things were equal to or even more expensive than their prices.

On a related note, I feel genuinely sorry for all my friends and neighbors who feel the need to drink wine just to get through the day with their families. Like, I get it. Ha, ha. So funny that your wine box is your adult juice box.


This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.

First, I’m glad this move was done. Like the Neeson article, though, probably the last person on the blame list here is Wahlberg. Those agents should be the focus here. I mean, it’s not even a competing agency that did this. Him and Williams are represented by the same company on the same movie and they did this.