
Adding an Autistic character to this show would have been great under any circumstances but it's particualrly awesome that it's a female Autistic character. There's shockingly few female Autistic characters in American pop culture and having a female Autistic character on Sesame Street allows young girls growing up on

Yes, how dare reviews reference real world relevant politics in their reviews. We wouldn't want substance in writing!

Look, this shows already pretty damn weak, do we really have to involve The Hand, the stupid over-powered Ninja squad that capsized the second season of Daredevil? At least the shot of all those ninjas getting out of a Ford automobile provided some unintentional hilarity.

Rand Industries is gonna build a wall, a great wall, and we're gonna make the DC Comics TV heroes pay for it!

Not only is this bear tops blooby, he's also very much correct!

Learn how to spell whiny honey. Maybe then people will take you seriously :)

And I've been pretty vocal in my "No white guy for Iron Fist" complaints in saying that it could be any non-White ethnicity playing the role.


Joy was all over the place this episode and it drove me crazy. She's seriously excited about Danny being alive in the last episode (hence the whole M&M's gimmick) but now she see's him as just a money-draining nuisance? They could have made those two differing sides of her personality work for sure, but they really

Yeah, this was the strongest of the episodes so far, mainly because I got to see Iron Fist doing a superhero act like saving someone and Carrie Ann-Moss is a waaaaaaaaaay better actor than the majority of the actors on this show. That being said, being the best after two outright awful episodes isn't the highest bar

You obviously have not gotten to the part in the sixth episode where pantsless Aubrey Plaza dances around the various sets of the show to the tune of a Nina Simone song.

Oh man, this episode is the worst thing to happen to M&M’s since they discovered in the mid-70’s the dye they’d been using for Red M&M’s was a carcinogen.

This movies marketing campaign has been such a clusterfuck, even when not considering the disgusting white-washed casting of the lead character, it's kind of incredible. I've never seen the anime, I'll freely admit, but I can't make heads or tails of what the fuck is even going on in any of the trailers or TV spots.

This is the reason why I was commenting on The AV Club when I was only 16



On a similar note regarding deception, I don't actually live in a basement.

OH WOW, um, I usually don't get here this early.

I don't know, I found the movie to be an experience that had me….