
Three years into my college experience and college has certainly wiped out my self-worth and aspiration and the current Trump adiministration has wiped out all my hope! All I have left are my dreams and my Simpsons DVD's!


I like the way this Narrator thinks!

Five years later, Kristen Stewart is legitimately one of our best young actors working today.

Wait, hold on, season five is taking the show and the cast into space…:are they ripping off ideas from Regular Show now???

SWORD is owned by Fox.

Did this season finale take a cue from past Agents Of Shield episodes opening in close proximity to an MCU movie by doing some quick dialogue fan service to said recent MCU movie? I was hoping this one would tie itself into Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 by having Coulson mention he lost a Zune a while back.

It gets even stranger when you remember that in early 2015, when they had Chris Hemsworth and Scarlett Johansson on the show, they both did sketches in character as Thor and Black Widow, respectively.

I'm a NerdInTheBasement and even I think this online based Nutjob is a total weirdo.

I just finished watching the first season for the very first time and aw jeez, this show was awesome, it totally lived up to the hype! Looks like Noah Hawley was making incredible television long before Legion came along, don'tcha know! The way it deftly balanced so many characters while contemplating big issues like

This trailer is my new sexual orientation.

Meanwhile, I'm still getting all my music from Napster.

That's a slightly higher debut than I expected for Imaginary Mary, but that Tuesday time slot it's going to has been a disaster zone for a while now so I think it's gonna tank from here on out.

Every episode of Legion made me constantly think "This totally changes what live-action superhero stories can do".

Don't worry guys, The Inhumans show that removes a huge chunk of the sci-fi stuff from the comics that's from the creator of Iron Fist will save ABC's dramas next season because Marvel shows on ABC have always been ratings juggernauts, right?

I'm always amazed at how strongly The Simpsons sticks around even without a basketball lead-in. It's still in their top five shows after three damn decades!

It does look like Making History isn't long for this world. That may give Son Of Zorn a boost, though I have a hunch Fox is gonna wanna launch Seth Macfarlane's new show on Sundays in the Fall so that leaves Zorn nowhere to go but cancellation.

Hey, a slight improvement over the last two episodes since this one’s at least got a lot of action in it that gives the plot a mild form of propulsion

Hey, Hollywood?

This may not have been quite the weakest individual episode thus far, but boy, what a snoozer of an episode, I’ve already forgotten about most of it. Would that I could forget the rest of this abysmal show too.