
No joke, I was actually gonna originally just make a comment along the lines "I Love Dick? Is this a show about Dikachu?", but then thought "Nah, that's in poor taste." Looks like I dropped the ball(s) on that one! :D

Which TV superhero will get a good costume first, The Tick or Daredevil?

It was weird, because I thought I was gonna watch the presidential debate, but I ended up watching some kind of Mad Max: Fury Road sequel wherein Furiosa and Immortan Joe were squaring off in a debate and Immortan Joe would not shut up abut he close he was to Sean Hannity.

I don't even know what a NewsRadio is!

(Tom Hanks enters stage left)

In twenty years, Real Rob and Faking It! will be hailed as the gold standard of comedic television in this era.

The sole advantage of my recent sleeping troubles is that I now appear to arrive to AV Club articles at the same time as Mohd.

I'm not sure if it helps Home Improvement at all that, despite its enormous ratings success, it managed to be released in between other majorly popular TV shows that seemed to have gotten more pop culture resonance as time wears on. Full House started four years before Home Improvement began and that one had a major

Jon Stewart said it best last night: "Do not confuse cancellation with failure". Larry Wilmore, you're show was quite funny and insightful and actually did a great job creating its own distinctive presence in just a short span of time. Your show shall be missed dearly.

Yes it did.
drops mic, leaves room to the tune of "We Are The Champions"

It's kind of like how the fake baby scene in American Sniper (which is unintentional humor gold, don't get me wrong) tends to distract people from the glaring narrative problems that movie has

Stop bringing all of that bad blood into this comment section.


Looks like Supernatural will be alright….

I've got four episodes to go! It's pretty amazing thus far. "Gettin' Bi' is one of the best songs of this show and that's saying something considering how many awesome tunes this season's delivered.

Star Trek Beyond is a weirdly topical movie right now. The bad guy, Krall, is a fear-mongering bad guy against the very concept of unity (hmmm, does he sound like any real life presidential candidates to anyone?) while the crew of the Enterprise represent what can be accomplished with hope, hard work, optimism and the

Yo, you should see The Lobster if you haven't. One of my favorite movies of the year so far, gorgeously shot and its dark humor is aces.


Ben Mendelsohn looks so amazing in that boss-ass white cape.

Yeah, but on a sad note, Rachel Bloom will not be able to sing a "Sexy Getting Ready For The Emmys Song" because she bafflingly didn't get nominated for Best Actress in A Comedy :(