
If Jessica Williams post-Daily Show shenanigans are half as awesome as what Samantha Bee and John Oliver have been up to since jumping the Daily Show ship, we should be in good hands.

Bill Murray was actually pretty damn great in The Jungle Book. I was worried he'd be sleepwalking through the role, but nope, he had the perfect amount of energy and buoyancy that the part called for. He also made for a solid foil to Ben Kinglsey's Bagheera in their few scenes together.

That's a cussing great idea!

So, I saw Central Intelligence last night.

Dear Fathom Events,

After The Nice Guys, Shane Black's next movie could be a gritty reboot of Lloyd In Space starring Jai Courtney playing five different roles and I'd still be amped to see it.

Jesus, I'd forgotten the site looked like that, but the moment that page loaded a flood of memories returned to my consciousness.

Guess whose going to an advanced screening of The Neon Demon a week from Monday?

Dear Carrie,

A cousin who is getting her own movie in which she will played by Aisha Tyler.*

Oh look! There's a new video out showing Obama slow jamming!

….does that Green Teletubbie have two Infinity Gauntlets??

The AV Club
….come here to read pop culture riffs by unestablished cartoonists….and…furries.

Friday The 13th Origins: Jason Vorhees

Honestly, the prospect of her working with Marielle Heller actually has me even more excited than if she was working with Holofcener (and that's saying something cause I loved Enough Said). The Diary Of A Teenage Girl was one of last year's best movies and it's amazing to see Heller getting attached to a lot of

The main problem with Lex was that he was a pile of quirks without any concrete personality or motivation. His reasons for hating Superman are muddled at best and his "evil plans" are even more convoluted. The aggravating "oddball" tendencies (like feeding a man a cherry Jolly Rancher) wouldn't have worked on their

You mean Chris Pratt isn't really my friend??

Pokes head in through door

Woah, why is HBO doing a 100% serious TV show version of that classic Simpsons episode Itchy & Scratchy Land?

It was symbolism! He was mad!