

Hey, uh, guys I just saw a Cookie Monster imposter over on a newswire and I, uh, just wanted to know if this was really gonna be a thing again.

Huh. I may have some thoughts on this matter.


Oh hey, there are no female or non-White directors on that shortlist.

Possible shortlist for directors for the new Spider-Man movie have just come out, and sadly Drew Goddard isn't on there. :(

Martin Freeman has been cast in an unknown role in Captain America: Civil War!


Oh man, Chris Pratt would be a great Indiana Jones!

The anti-Marvel thing going around the internet this week after AoU is perplexing me to no end. I totally get why certain people don't like the movie (it's a very dense film, lots going on) but man, the hatred has been so omnipresent since that movie came out that it's nothing short of bamboozling to me.

All your favorite Star Wars characters (along with Mulan and the Hulkbuster) are coming to Disney Infinity!!!

My entire theater cheered when was Rhodey showed up at the finale and it was glorious.

The final San Andreas trailer shakes things up a bit (See what I did there?)

Now that Marvel has the three biggest opening weekends of all-time, in just the last three years, I think it's safe to say "superhero movie fatigue" is one of the bigger cinema myths, right up there with "women can't headline successful movies."

The Avengers: Age of Ultron was a pretty radical film.

So what are my initial impressions of the cast from this photo?

That idea you bring up of "something new to emerge" feels particularly true considering numerous new heroes (Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Spider-Man) will come to the screen in Phase Three.

She does have a major role in Steven Spielbergs The BFG next year, so hopefully that'll FINALLY FINALLY give her the career boost she most certainly deserves!

I really loved how AoU continued Tonys insecurities from Iron Man 3 (a very underrated movie in my book) in a manner that works in the confines of the plot whether you've seen that particular Marvel film or not.

Well, I finally wrote down my thoughts on The Avengers: Age of Ultron. Posted this on my website originally, but thought I'd post it over here as well!