
I'd need to see The Thing in motion before making further judgement, but I do like that design, especially the coloring of it. I'm particularly interested to hear what kind of voice Jamie Bell has for this big guy.

I love that I live in a world where The Vision is not only in a movie, but looks so AWESOME. That magazine cover isn't the best example of how he looks, try this on for size:…

Agents of SHIELD is getting a spin-off, but who could it center on?

His Facebook page is so full of passion about everything he does, it's kind of freaking awesome.

Here's my Top 30 of the Decade so far (in no particular order):

Oh yeah, the 60's are still in the film. Like I said, Atwell and Slattery are in the movie in cameo form, and a prequel comic book depicted Peggy helping Hank test out the Ant-Man uniform in that particular era to undergo a mission in Berlin.

I will say (I promise, I'm done being a naggy commentor after this) that I'm interested to see what Reed conjures up visually in the Ant-Man 1960's sequences considering what he came up with in Down For Love.

Again, to be fair, the way I know that part of the story structure (the various time periods of Ant-Man being depicted) is because Peggy Carter and John Slattery's Howard Stark are in it, along with young versions of Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne.

Interestingly, it looks like the final version of Ant-Man takes the structure of Wright's version (older Pym, flashbacks to young Pym, Scott Lang) but goes into it's own direction.

Here, I put your low hanging fruit in a basket for you.

John Oliver is an incredible and hilarious human being, and probably the best journalist working today.

I dreamed a dream of a Self Promotion
Thread gone byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy…..

If either Social Network, Her or Boyhood get number one, I'll be a happy nerd.

Oh Brian Grazer!

Sample Dialouge From Gotham Abbey

If I may, I'd like to do a eulogy to Oderus Urungus before we spread his ashes.

Best news I've heard in a while; Kristen Schaal will get a major role in Melissa McCarthy's newest comedy, Michelle Darnell.


I'm sorry Narrator, I know my not caring for Tree of Life already broke your heart, but I must also say that I wasn't a huge fan of Greenberg.

How in the hell did Greenberg wind up so far ahead of Toy Story 3 on The AV Club's 100 Best Films Of The Decade So Far list??