
The Dissolves Top 3 picks for best movies of the decade so far (Her, The Social Network, Boyhood) are also my top 3 picks for best movies of the decade so far. All three are incredible films!

I'm actually excited out of my mind for both Daredevil and Hannibal S3, so I'm glad to know they're both (primarily DD) not too far away!!!


Savage Love Comment Section

Man, watching Home Alone for the first time last year, I was amazed that movie made so much money two decades ago. It's not bad at all, it as numerous charming moments and a surprisingly effective emotional finale, but it's stunning to think it made over $500 million adjusted for inflation.

It feels like it's a turning point in my life now that I find myself unable to distinguish the newswire pieces from the Great Job, Internets.

Hey, I, uh, wrote a review of Furious 7. Do feel free to read it if you care to! It's not quite as entertaining as watching The Rock fight a helicopter, but then again, very few things are!

Principal Skinner: Reverend, this is Principal Skinner. I'm facing a crisis, and I didn't know to whom to turn.

"Did you bring the cavalry??"
"Woman…I am the cavalry!!!"

First off, this is my 10,000th comment. Man, I've done a lot of interweb rambling.

Now gimme my chocolate Chris Pratt!!

I hereby relinquish my title of NerdInTheBasement onto you good sir.

As someone who considers both The Avengers and Before Midnight to be among the best movies made over the last three years, this news pleases me to no end!

David S. Goyer is writing it??? Oh boy! I'm sure it'll be just as good as his other movies!

Yep. Jim Parsons will be Piglet, Kevin Hart will be Tigger, Will Forte will be Rabbit, Natalie Portman will be Kanga, Michael Gambon will be Owl and Jai Courtney will be the adult version of Christopher Robin.

Winnie The Pooh is getting a live-action remake in which Christopher Robin returns to the Hundred Acre Wood as an adult.

Free Waterfall Senior is a pretty great one-off character in my book. So many damn great lines from him that just thrive on absurdity!

The AV Club

This is a story all about how

Stephen Amell is gonna be Casey Jones in the next Ninja Turtles movie!