
I really wanna know what her equivalent to Bee Movie is.


If the reaction for the preview of Get Hard at my Focus screening today is any indication, that movies gonna be a huge hit later this month. Trainwreck, one of my most anticipated movies of the summer, also got a great reaction, so I have a hunch that's gonna be a sleeper hit this summer. Also, despite the fact that

"Hello. I Am Baymax." - Elsa, Frozen

Yeah, there's a sense of scope and awe that is pretty effective, like when Bumblebee emerges after battling Barricade. The camera doesn't constantly shake or bombard the audience with an overbearing score, it just lets the viewer share a moment of grandeur with Sam as he takes a good look at Bumblebee.

The first Transformers has this sense of wonder to it that's really Spielbergian. Plus, Sam and Bumblebee's relationship is nice, if underdeveloped (it's no Hiro and Baymax when it comes to human/robot dynamics). Aside from the overtly racist Jazz, I too find to be a pretty great summer blockbuster. It helps that it

Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer are back.

The wide variety of releases Paramount Pictures manages to release in a given year fascinates me. Like, this is the studio that is pretty much Michael Bay's home, funding his Transformers movies, Pain & Gain and his upcoming Benghazi feature, plus he produced Ninja Turtles for them. And yet, the studio also makes



"Smells like baaaaaalllllsss"- Tim Riggins, Birdman

It'd be UNACCEPTABLE for this news to go unnoticed…Adventure Time is getting a movie!

"I'm finished" - Elsa, Frozen

"Yo, bumper cars? I'm hearing you, okay? I'm right here and I can hear you! No one's popping any caps in any asses, okay? I've had a HELL of a day!"- Elsa Frozen

"After he invented the cotton gin and started the Industrial Revolution, he went to work for the U.S. military, and pioneered the use of interchangeable parts, firearms, and explosive ordinance, and fairly well singlehandedly invented modern warfare. So, as an exercise they asked him to design a "superweapon." A

"Hermione just stole all of our shit. And Jay suggested that we rape her. I think the only reason he did that is because he knows he's about two minutes away from becoming the house bitch himself." - Elsa, Frozen

"On a daily basis I consume enough drugs to sedate Manhattan, Long Island, and Queens for a month. I take Quaaludes 10-15 times a day for my "back pain", Adderall to stay focused, Xanax to take the edge off, pot to mellow me out, cocaine to wake me back up again, and morphine… Well, because it's awesome." -Elsa, Frozen

With a guy like Nimoy, who was so inspiring and memorable in his work, there's no way we won't be talking about him and his excellent body of work for ages to come.

I wanna spend my afterlife in the Marvel Cinematic Universe; cracking wise with Iron Man, taking down bad guys with Black Widow, jamming to great music with Star-Lord, it'd be the best!

They were surprisingly decent….to say the least!!