God bless you Jon Stewart.
God bless you Jon Stewart.
Oh man Brian, this lawsuit is almost as daunting as the time Tom Hardy tried to play Barney The Dinosaur!
Agreed on both counts. I really want that red T-shirt right now! And I'm excited as hell to see Yellowjacket in motion in the movie; I have a hunch Corey Stoll is gonna surprise us all and give us a really cool bad guy!
What a bunch of a-holes.
The AV Club
This is uncomfortable and humiliating.
Last night, Comic Book Movie posted some promo images of Ant-Man. These are the pictures we'll be seeing on various pieces of merchandise like posters, cups, shirts, etc.
Preferably with help from Pratt's other notable acting roles. Have him reneact the scene while wearing super high-up pants, Come And Get Your Love blasts in the background, while Charlie Day yells Spaceship and have him wearing a Navy Seal unfirom.
Especially Idris Elba.
Meanwhile, Agent Carter concluded with only 4 million viewers. THIS IS WHY WE CANT HAVE NICE THINGS
Hey, can we just take note of how awesome Lady GaGa was during the Oscars this past Sunday? Damn, she just knocked that performance out of the park.
Let's all join in and Hooray This Shit! What's awesome in your lives AV Clubbers?
You see, there are still faint glimmers of civilization left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity. Indeed that's what we provide in our own modest, humble, insignificant… oh, fuck it. It's time for a Self Promotion Thread!
In response to your last question, there are two answers: HYDRA is already showing it's covert control by putting Zola in close proximity to this guy.
Agent Carter ends with a bang, and a very tender, beautiful and surprisingly emotional shot. C'mon ABC, give the world the second season of this show we despratley need!
Also, in their further defense, not all the characters are gonna have equal screentime. For instance, to my knowledge, Hayley Atwell has only very brief screentime as Peggy Carter.
I have a theory (that's obviously very, very shaky considering the films 13 months way) that Batman v. Superman will perform similarly to Amazing Spider-Man 2; box office will be below expectations, but it does get past $200 million. However, audience and critical reception are muted enough to put future shared…
For some reason, they haven't officially set those movies beyond Suicide Squad to dates yet. It's confusing the hell out of me. Those are indeed the projected years for those films.
Emily Blunt and Jessica Chastain are doing a movie together! What film you ask? Why, a prequel to Snow White & The Huntsman of course!
And now idiots on the internet will say it's "all about TV-like episodic games journalism"
I'm really interested to see what DC's future move schedule winds up being. They announced a bunch of movies up to 2020 including a solo Ben Affleck Batman movie (they didn't give a projected year release for that one), Justice League Part 1 & 2 and Aquaman, but they only officially have Batman v. Superman and Suicide…