
Hey look! Aquaman from Batman v. Superman has been revealed! And boy howdy does he have a scowl for you!

Pizza is incredible. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

I don't know, but I need him to get me that guy's leg.

Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes was so damn good, and id a great job of incorporating various notable comic book storylines and characters without ever coming off as gimmicky. A pity the more recent Marvel animated shows have been lacking, especially the Ultimate Spider-Man garbage, but I'm really hoping this Guardi

But We had to give up on that meme! We used it dozens of times! We used it four times.

I'm personally excited for Conehead

YES YES YES. Such a great movie.

I wrote this up this morning in the Inventory piece over 11 new categories the Academy Awards should create, but I just wanna reiterate who I'd pick as the five nominees if we had a Best Voice Acting Category this year.

Ironically, despite the presence of these visual effects, the most remarkable element of Agent Carter is the winning charisma of Hayley Atwell.

Meanwhile, BonerTime In The Jungle languishes in development.

Yes!!! STEVE HOLT!!!

The Geico gecko will Kick both of their asses

Another week, another Self Promotion Thread!

Oh yeah, easily 5 deserving performances. Here's who I'd put for Best Vocal Performance for this year, myself.

Hell yes to the Best Voice Acting category, especially since Scarlett Johansson's role of Samantha as Her is a perfect example of why that category needs to exist. Voice acting is a wonderful artform that more than deserves to be recognized by the Oscars.

I really love Taylor Swifts new song.

Seriously. His work is always extraordinarily intelligent, entertaining and insightful. His pieces on our modern jail system and Net Neutrality were particularly incredible.

And let's not forget what J.K. Simmons also said…Not my tempo.

He could get fired? Oh boy. Looks like Alex just picked himself a bouquet of oopsie-daises.

And I was singing…