I'm actually a big fan of the recent X-Men movies, so I'm totally cool with them being separate from the MCU for now. It helps that that mythology is so huge it'd be touch to incorporate it, even if you reboot it, into the universe.
I'm actually a big fan of the recent X-Men movies, so I'm totally cool with them being separate from the MCU for now. It helps that that mythology is so huge it'd be touch to incorporate it, even if you reboot it, into the universe.
The 100% rating this currently has on Rotten Tomatoes is boggling my mind.
In The Avengers: Age Of Ultron, the plot will stop dead for a twenty minute sequence where The Avengers go and tear up the houses of Andrew Garfield and Edward Norton.
You all know I can't resist this joke…
Tony Revolori for Miles Morales Spider-Man in the MCU please.
I'm just glad this show is keeping up the tradition of animated Star Wars programming being obsessed with beheadings. Let's all not forget Ahsoka beheaded five Mandolorian soldiers at once during The Clone Wars!
But don't worry folks, I actually am Tony Stark on a piece of debris in the middle of the ocean.
Good God, some of the defenders (not you Narrator!) and detractors of Birdman are aggravating. I've read countless comments from both camps on the internet today that have acted like people with an opinion opposite of their own are senseless idiots. I didn't care for Birdman myself, but I'm super happy for those who…
Yeah, Bean was interesting because I like seeing him in movies, and I too liked the bees. But you're right on him not having much to do; frankly, he seemed to exist in the second half of the story solely to give Channing Tatum an inspirational speech.
The AV Club
Trust me, there really is. Mason Is an incredibly involving protagonist, but the rest of the cast (namely Patricia Arquette as his mom, whose the secret star of the film) is also aces and develops a notable and wonderful presence. Perhaps my favorite part of the movie (which is really saying something) is how it…
I didn't care for Birdman personally, but in the grand scheme of things, I could live with it winning over my personal favorite movie of 2014, Boyhood, solely because Birdman is a very unorthodox kind of film, which the Academy usually doesn't recognize.
But at least it's not as bad as the John Carter title change. Because we we certainly wouldn't want our movies title to have any personality at all, right?
Jupiter Ascending has plenty of problems; I said before that the overload of explanation for its dense mythology didn't work for me personally, while some of the actors like Eddie Redmayne and Sean Been felt underwhelming.
The Goofy Goober Rock sequence from The Spongebob Squarepants Movie is incredible. God bless that movie.
The ships in Jupiter actually reminded me of the ships from John Carter in terms of style.
The AV Club
Zap zap
Ah, ok, I do remember that now, that clears that up.
Yeah, Redemayne really goes off the rails for me, but there's no denying he does so in style.