
He should take a ride on BART in SF. You won’t mind people’s skin color at all. You’ll be happy if the guy sitting next to you doesn’t smell like a zoo and probably is hosting a zoo in his hair.

Captain Stevie Wonder does it again.

Well after a lot of chaos in airplanes I guess.

You got it, that’s what’s going on here.

A lot of this comes from deliberate corporate policy to wring every last ounce of productivity out of harried and overstressed employees, who then turn around and take it out on the customers. Point the blame where it belongs: the executive suite. It is not a coincidence that the de-regulated US airline industry seems

The pronunciation is so similar it’s easy to get confused.

I bet this turns into a movie series (one 2 hr movie every year, or maybe more frequently) if this hits big and I bet it will.

That’s funny, I always imagine them as bitter old guys in their 50s who lost their blue collar job and are addicted to oxy now.

Netflix might be making more decisions in the future based on behavior and not ratings. But they probably know about the falling-asleep problem, and can discount it (5% of viewing after 11pm is somebody who fell asleep, which ticks up to 7% after midnight and 12% after 1am, etc.)

You may be ahead of the game. Netflix just announced they are changing how they do their ratings. My hunch is that they’ve realized that their wealth of behavioral data is far more accurate than people’s self-ratings and will use that for predictions of whether we’ll like a certain thing in the future.

So if they down vote Orange is the New Black and Jessica Jones, while I up vote it, all that means is that their ratings won’t be included in the set that predicts my ratings, so nothing has happened from my perspective.

My first response to this is that the alt-right goons don’t get how Netflix star ratings work - you see ratings culled from people with rating history like you, not from the general public. If my rating history doesn’t synch with alt-right goons (one hopes), then their ratings have no impact on mine.

How about “I Am In This Movie Because My Name Puts Butts In Seats (and Won’t Piss Off All of China By Being Japanese”?

Oh good lord. Have you people never heard of the Sierra Nevada mountains?

It’s hard not to when people insist on displaying their ignorance and selfishness for all to see.

“Congratulations on just happening to be born in the place where all the rich people prefer to live.”

California gets its water from the Sierra snowpack.

No kidding! If a total cluster like North Korea can survive indefinitely as a functioning nation of sorts, what’s stopping California?

Blue states shouldn’t secede. We should take over the damn country and kick the red states out, especially the parasitic ones that contribute nothing economically. The blue states are the economic engine for this country.

They wouldn’t sell that for $7/month. They already sell off anything that’s in demand for higher prices than that which is why Britbox is just a bunch of old crap they couldn’t get BBC America or Hulu or whoever to pay for.