
Are we sure this isn’t breast milk?

I see Putin is one step closer to achieving the dream of becoming a ”real life James Bond Villain”

Still waiting for that Doom dating sim...

If they did this in Skyrim I would be so fit....

The 28th amendment: In order to seek to be the best trainer there ever was, the right to catch them all shall not be infringed.

Dialog! What dialogue? It was a magnificent car chase/fight scene.

Where is Chuck Tingle when you need him?

As an Australian who drops all consonants from the ends of words may I say: we are waaaaay ahead of you.

That’s gold! I plan to live forever by never dying, and flying by throwing myself at the ground and missing.

My survival mode character is Fallout 4 is based on Rick. He is going to be drunk pretty much all the time and will have a tech/int focus.


This calls into question everything I have ever believed! All is dust!

I would play that game.

Heaven forbid we have evidence of young people in the military who are supportive of the rights of black people.

Ok, whose the Ramsay who is going to Ramsay with me? MotherRamsay! I’ll Ramsay him so hard he won’t be able to sit for a month!

Toll the Great Bell Once!

From the Culture series: Xenophobe

So much butthurt.

I did this and not only did I not get Donald Trump (ok I live in Australia but still, I am disappointed) and I got a picture from the old Wasteland Computer RPG. This is going to be my dickpic!