
Wow. That vindicates the Chem Warrior build I am working on atm. I am looking forward to this part of the game now.

You are all redundant.

I thought an armed society was a polite society? Or are the only polite ones those who are begging for their lives?

“She who controls the spice controls the universe.”

Ahh yes, the Alan Parsons Project

I may sound like a speciesist but I don't care. I think Kermit should date another frog.

Screw Nyarlathotep! They keep saying Cthulhu will call me and nothing!

Show me on the doll where feminism touched you.

This isn’t hopelessly biased to the right like Fox News. I’m so out of here...

I thought people misunderstood that part of Interstellar, although in fairness it didn’t do the best job of explaining itself. The whole construct in Interstellar was designed, albeit by creatures with an altered point of view, to allow contact with the past. Cooper says ‘love will guide me...’ should be understood as

It is like Chappie all over again.

No votes for Brave New World? I always thought they had a well designed society with a humane option for non-conformists... or am I remembering it incorrectly?

I would watch that movie.