
Wait - isn’t the smiley face also a Randall Flagg thing? 

Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for the incredible work you do bringing these issues to light. 

This is going to be really fascinating academically, I think. We’ll get to watch in real-time the evolution of social factions and rivalries, etc. I might be putting too much into it, but I can dream.

are you mike pence

Finally someone says something positive about a game.

Outlast 2 and crying

ok but what if

I feel like this would be 5x creepier without the Youtube ads

get covered cause u gonna GET REKT - joe biden

This family’s entire genetic code is mind-boggling.

If only it was as simple as “just go to HR”, but that’s not how the industry works. As the end of intern season quickly approaches, I’m spending a lot of time wondering how I can go about preparing them for this sad eventuality. No one told me, and I wasn’t ready for it. To other ad folk: have you had “the talk” with

These salaries are criminal and inexcusable. I’m so tired of creatives being treated like this. Creatives do such valuable work - and it’s hard work to boot. Creative professionals deserve to be valued at the same level as accountants.

Guys - these are not “wild theories”. You are just finally understanding the plot and I’m sure it feels wild.

Please let there be Pon Farr.

this is so pure

Okay but like

5 years later and this game just keeps getting better. Thanks to all the devs making this game better than mozzarella sticks.

Abe is so pure

That’s not what I said - so let’s start with not misquoting me. It sounds like you read the first sentance and stopped. I said that this entire problem stems from the requirement to gather quotes so far in advance they don’t exist. ONCE AGAIN. I DO NOT WORK FOR THIS COMPANY. So it would be great if everyone stopped

I have no idea what happened here - I don’t work for the agency that did this. I’m not defending the usage of the quote, at all, I’m here to ~give context~ and explain the process that goes on, how quotes are selected, and how the entire process is frustrating. That’s all I’m here to do: give insight into process, not