
Nailed it. It’s a complicated process from start to finish. Thanks for all you do!

I work in advertising for the gaming industry, and this (frustrating thing) happens because of timelines and process. Often you start a project like this a whole year in advance, or six months, before any reviews are even out. Literally no one has played the game, or reviewed it, but you’re required to provide quotes

Monthly facials. OILS. Chemical peels. Never having any facial expressions whatsoever.


Of COURSE Gabriel has Facebook

I’ve seen that episode of the West Wing too

This method was never mentioned at any of our Conventions, so I have suspicions. Everyone knows that we kill you with poison, obviously. Or chili with ghost peppers in it.

You are not married.

Let's all go back to Alexander, shall we? I thought so. Now let's cast somebody who can act.

I'll just die, thanks.

Plot Twist: She's the serial killer

I'm kind of pissed they told her that dragons don't exist. WAY TO PISS ON THE DREAM OKAY

My morning coffee just wouldn't be complete without the Jezebel culture police

If she's so in-the-know...why the hell is she using MySpace?

But what if

This must be a tough scenario for professors—how does one navigate the waters of racism, experience—and a student's comfort levels? Like it or not—teachers kind of have to pay attention to that. I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying it exists. And I think teaching effectively requires a certain, certain amount of

WHY does Jena's head always look like it was put on wrong?! Literally—the angle of her skull relative to her neck is giving me a headache.

What made Linda such a great Sarah WASN'T her arms, or her physique—she was driven by such a rage—rage at the world, at her life, and she used that rage for a physical transformation, and it fueled the character, and the role was more than just a role—it was healing, it was a tool for her own emotional survival.

love it!

Okay, yes, but I think this is getting way out of proportion. It was meant to be a tongue-in-cheek .gif, not a character expo of whether or not tracking these guys down adheres to Harry's Code or not. I think you're taking this too seriously, bru.