
I don’t know. But he did a lot of movies for Miramax. Did he really not hear any tales at all? How about when he worked with Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie?

Because billionaire daddy purchased a career for her

It does seem to be the “But I have a black best friend!” of sexism

Those two sisters are just weird-looking to me. Don’t get it at all. Shrug.

Eh, sounds like bull. Who has benefitted more from Harvey Weinstein than Matt Damon? (OK, Ben Affleck). He was an unknown whose script was bought and produced by Weinstein, and he “won” an Oscar for it. (Funny how two hot Oscar winning screenwriters wrote absolutely nothing for the next few years).

Oh they love her in the spotlight. She represents scandal and failure, so associating her with the Democrat party as a whole is all good.

Wait, which pervert friend are we talking about now? My husband, or Weiner? Oh God, there’s ANOTHER one? It’s like someone might look at the people I surround myself with and think I turn a blind eye to this kind of thing. Wait, did I say that out loud?

It’ll be just like some obscure 70s movie and will be a career comeback for...I dunno, Tom Sizemore?

Billy Zane waits by the phone...

Seen her in Triple 9?

Fuck yeah. True Detective (you all know it ruled, so don’t even), Hacksaw Ridge, and now this, and he’s doing another one with Zahler and Mel Gibson(!).

Even if 50% of the audience who paid to see the first one don’t show up for Avatar 2, it’s still making $1.4 billion and will likely be the highest grossing film of the year. (*Depending what Star Wars movie is out that year). But given that China renamed a frickin’ mountain after Avatar, they’re likely to go nuts for

Daddy would you like some sausage? Because we have that, plus bacon and eggs, at the all you can eat breakfast buffet right now, only 9.99 per person, folks.

They were there first. I remember it being 1996 and they posted on-set photos of Batman and Robin, which were absolutely amazing to see. To look at them today, it would just be bland stuff of Arnold and Clooney standing around in costume, but you have to realize that we hadn’t seen things like this before. The only

It’s the Radio Shack of the internet

This might have had some cultural relevance about 15 years ago, but all it can really muster now is a “Huh, that’s still a thing?”. AICN was the first of its kind, a site that broke through the sanitized studio marketing and gave you the real scoop on behind the scenes debacles and test screenings. I went on there

The important thing is that she held a press conference to announce it.

Zombies did some shit. Discuss.

Random speculation...would he be playing Kenny Everett? I have no idea if he is even in the script, but he was a popular sketch comedian who was gay and a close friend of Freddie Mercury. Its the kind of part that would (theoretically, again, if the role even exists) allow Myers to goof off and do funny bits, with

I would add Alien Covenant to the shitlist. It made $233 mil worldwide, which may not sound terrible, but consider that Prometheus made $403, so that’s a hell of a lot of people not showing up for more.