
Hey Pierce, what's up.

Who would air this? The ratings were anemic towards the end, NBC dumped it to Saturday nights.

superimpose Bob's face over Bing Crosby and it's a deal

It would be awesome if they did a flashback to that case with Young Lynch and Young Bowie (impossible, I know, and who the hell would play them?)

Apparently she does not like to eat c*nt

The Giant probably said something like :

You know the Clockwork Orange scene where he's strapped down and forced to watch horrifying movies? Well imagine that but with Fly - going anywhere where music might be heard in 1997, it was inevitable that Fly would assault your ears and you could do nothing to stop it except scream. It was perfectly mediocre enough

Random stream of consciousness picks:

I remember at a college freshman film class the prof asked who had seen Men in black, and everyone put their hand up but me. I felt half embarrassed, half wait a minute, no, I'm awesome.

Neeson, and that phone call monologue. Its great, simplistic screenwriting that tells us everything about the character and a ton about what's going to happen. And when the fucker on the end of the line says "Good luck", you are just PUMPED to see someone's ass getting kicked.

Oh yeah the movie that tried to cash in on Clive Owen's "Bond buzz" to the tune of making $12 million in the US, the 135th highest grossing movie of the year!

Ehhhh…I dunno, getting all high and mighty about Avatar, when you're going to be in both Deadpool and Avengers?

Fuck him! The real news is Kurt fucking Sutter is also in it, LOL

Daddy would you like some irony?

I feel that much of the college campus experience of 1997 was an inescapable blend of Third eye blind, Sarah McLachlan, and Ben Folds Five's "Brick"

Fuck no, he was EVERYWHERE. You could turn on a college radio station at any time in 1997 and there'd be 1 in 4 odds they'd be playing a Dave Matthews song (The other 3 out of 4 being Third Eye Blind, Blink 182, and Matchbox 20).

I remember seeing the video on MTV in college and I immediately had a Grandpa Simpson moment. If this is 'it' now, then I ain't with it! I was still listening to grunge (hell, I still am), and this was some kind of line being drawn in the sand. But I'm kind of nostalgic for the song anyway.

Anyone else remember this, Bran van 3000 - Drinking in LA. Big piece of '1997' to me.

I remember in college just walking past some guy who was singing Fly. That was one of those "Well, I know all I need to know about you" moments.

That's what I love about Woody Allen actresses man, I get older, they stay the same age