
I recognize that I like touching butts

Heh this is great. They got the set and the whole cast and everything. Did Seinfeld just show up on the set during filming and just started improv-ing?

Hahaha I remember it took me like six episodes to figure out what the hell they were talking about.

I don't know the specific episode (come on AV Clubbers) but IIRC Homer went to prison and wore a hat like Adebisi, and I'm sure there were other references.

I don't remember all the specific plots but IIRC Keller would have a specific reason for coming after you. Schillinger would just own whatever fresh meat came into the prison just because he could. It was scary because I know if I ever ended up in prison, I'd be a naive goof just like Beecher.


I am kind of fascinated to see where his career goes. IMHO this is much worse than the Mel Gibson stuff, because there was no actual video of that. Here we actually see and hear him saying it so its much more damaging. And then you have to remember Mel had been a huge star for 25 years as well as an Oscar winning

Black dick

Mel Gibson is like Oh FINALLY I can pass the torch.

This is some oddly specific knowledge

Kind of funny in retrospect that this show was mainstream enough to be parodied on the Simpsons! Albeit with slightly less rape, stabbing, and frontal nudity.

I say this every time Oz comes up, JK Simmons in this is the most terrifying villain I've seen in anything, ever.

I don't know why there's a snarky aside about the musical episode- it was a blatant parody of those kind of network tv stunts. I mean you had Beecher and Schillinger doing a romantic duet.

Lose money?

When we said we wanted a Dev Patel type, we didn't actually mean Dev Patel!

Uh..Republican running against a Republican incumbent?

Kind of jarring seeing our fun and friendly insurance pitchman doing what he does on Oz

Yeah all three of them being "asleep" sounds a little dubious

At this point, the AV Club should just cut and paste its by-now-daily screed of "Commence the shaming of this celebrity for comment and/or joke that does not comply with regulations"

In the real world, this film would have collapsed after Willis and Costner couldn't agree on top billing.