WTF. Oh well, there's no cancelling it and the whole thing is going to air, so it doesn't really matter, but, still. You'd think at least the premiere would have attracted some interest just from being a random new show.
WTF. Oh well, there's no cancelling it and the whole thing is going to air, so it doesn't really matter, but, still. You'd think at least the premiere would have attracted some interest just from being a random new show.
FX don't do tits!
"plenty of celebrity guests, including Ed Helms, Ken Jeong"
"Hey America, remember Mike Myers?"
I do not understand.
Becoming, right.
Unless things have improved since he appeared at the Heat Q&A last year, he can barely speak anymore, so either a silent cameo or he'd have to be dubbed :(
A green…salad…(facepalm)
Agreed, I don't even look up from my phone when the trailers are on. I know what I like. There's a Blade Runner sequel with Ford and Gosling? I'm in. No preview needed. There's a CGI weather disaster movie with Gerard Butler? Fuck off. No preview needed.
Yay, corporate shareholder profit!
Really AV Club, three separate articles about this now? I know this is an Outrageous Incident that shocked humanity to its core, but I'm sure one was sufficient enough for the requisite amount ol AVC cyber-finger-wagging and pearl-clutching.
I expect to see a "Erinn Hayes died on the way back to her home planet" announcement at the beginning of next season.
*clutches pearls*
Ehhhh didn't care for it. And this should have been a slam dunk for me what with the 94%(!!) on RT, AND me liking the other 3 DC movies, but didn't really do it for me.
Ha that would have been awesome, I only saw it after the Oscar nominations came out, which gave away the twist.
All the Amazons were busy.
Yep definitely felt like that to me too. In fact you can look at it as Captain America crossed with Thor
Hey I'm a dude and plenty of guys went to see it multiple times as well. We were in awe of the spectacle and the epic-ness of it all. It was truly a movie for everyone; there hasn't been anything like it since. (Er, except Avatar, but that has since dropped off the cultural radar whereas Titanic has not)
I'd seen Reservoir Dogs in theaters, and was stoked as fuck for Pulp Fiction…and of course I didn't like it. It felt too bloated and self-satisfied after the lean and mean-ness of the former.
I saw it four times, fuck all y'all