
They had a lot of Rambo!

I tapped out weeks ago. Did this show start making any sense at any time, or was it just more of the same obfuscating sub-David Lynch masturbation?

Was that in LA? He did a Q&A there about 5 years ago. Michael Mann was in the audience, too.

Come on, they all owe a debt to Baby Driver

Heat sort of suggests a connected universe, there's a line about how Pacino's Vincent Hanna "blew away Frankie (somebody) in Chicago"

I'll put ya c**t wife out on the street to…well, you know the rest.

Manhunter might be my favorite film of all time

I guess Johnny Depp didn't pay much attention.

Bulgaria is now in the "legit" movie business, i.e. London has Fallen (mostly not filmed in London).

Miles Teller? Uuuugh. Well its Refn so I'm watching, but, jeez, impress me, motherfucker!

Ha, too late, I watched it, and yeah it was garbage. This Emmerich/Devlin corny mentality is stuck in the 90s and just doesn't play anymore, same as their last bomb White House Down. The movie clearly acted like the original was a Star Wars-esque phenomenon and now we want to know what became of EVERY character from

Yeah this. Nobody cared about Independence Day, so it was met with a shrug rather than just a OMG CHILDHOOD RUINED

Yeah the third Matrix in particular spent most of the time in the real world. The AC movie seemed to be doubling down on setting up the illuminati secret society stuff for a sequel, which of course won't be happening. Nah who are we kidding, they'll probably do a Hitman style non-sequel in a few years which will be

Went to see Life which was a decent enough Alien/Gravity mashup. It's gotten mostly dismissed as LOLAlienripoff, which, well, it is, but there's more tension (and logic) in it than Prometheus, and I suspect probably more creative and graphic deaths than Alien Covenant.

How not to spoil…well, there's one scene you'll really, really enjoy.

Flightsuits for everyone, for the entire movie.

Well, she's in it more than Ryan Reynolds.

Oh for fuck's sake.

You said alt-right message boards, not all of humanity.

And based on recent photos, still looks normal!