
Finally, no more yelling "xbox change channel", jeez...

Man/penguin love is a beautiful thing.

Awwwwwwww thats cute!

I'm amazed that controllers still can't be fine-tuned by players, at a system level. I should be able to specify dead zone and various other settings once, and have that used by every game. Maybe tie it to a specific profile+controller combination, in case one controller has different hardware response than another.

" it was a little overly twitchy"

Google DS4 to Xinput manager and use that. It makes the DS4 work perfectly with anything that would normally work with the 360 controller

Nudge? I say give them a big push. This just feels like one of those things that'll get put off to October. If they're purposefully holding out on us, I got one thing to say:

Hey Titanfall devs, can you nudge Microsoft to get Xbone Controllers on PC? Okay thanks!

"Your beard can also freeze on the ice and save you"

Perhaps the most badass way to keep yourself attached to ice.

All these uses for Graphene and not one in the real world. I'm starting to think Graphene is made up so scientists can get more research money.

Watch it, Graphene will be able to prove my conspiracy theory too.

Graphene, it's the solution of all of life's little problems...and unobtanium.

Next headline: Graphene has attained sentience! And your job, sucker!

Graphene this, Graphene that, blablablablabla. At this point its not a super material, its vapor material if you get my drift.

I believe dog and human play 'dressing game' for completely different reason. For dogs maybe its all about comfort or experimenting new things (like dog wearing pant because it comfortable, or cat sleep on clothes in winter for heat), while for human its all about the look in front of the mirror.

In this picture this cat is thinking "I'm so going to take a shit in your shoes later for this!"

Scottie Dogs have been rockin' eyelashes for decades. #latetotheparty

Most dog breeds have gone through countless generations and bred to be personable and sensitive to the owners though. Dogs acting personable is kind of an important aspect to them now.

If the dog enjoys it. Then isn't that still a dog acting like a dog? Or is there like a behavioral list I should be aware of that define the type of species we are.