
Microsoft often feel really insecure with their ads taking jabs at competitors. They've had some really bad anti-Apple Windows Phone ads, and while this deal sounds decent, the face that they went with the term "ditch" instead of "sell" further shows their marketing insecurity.

Changing this one word (Ditch) to something less arrogant could have made this way better.

This is sad. You're basically paying me to switch systems, when I could just buy a PS4 and keep my PS3 - FOR THE SAME PRICE.

This is a really weird manouver from Microsoft. It kind sounds like a act of desperation.

Wow, that's clever.

I prefer rampant wishful thinking that perhaps someday, humans won't be so barbaric and "shoot to kill" everything we have a scuffle with.

I used to play on my flatmate's console. Yes, it's speedier with April update for sure. The thing is, they could simplify the UI much more by stopping using textures and gradients all over the place. The tendency is toward flat graphical user interface right now for many good reasons, notably because its impact is

The Abrams trek isn't grounded in reality, it's drowning in cynicism.

It's idealized. As much as I want this to happen, it can't be so. Anybody with internet access can jump in and say something (I recently encountered a burner who literally just insulted people. He called me autistic). The best I can hope for are forums, things with a few more hoops to jump through.

- That doesn't make it any more relevant.

I agree that the WiiU is a very good system, but you're grasping at straws for things it sounds like you don't understand to validate your opinion, and to pass it off as fact. If you prefer the WiiU then more power to you, but don't create excuses to why you think other consoles are worse.

Ian a happy Wii U owner. But you are showing a weakness as a feature. Wii U can read from the disc because it's horsepower isn't as demanding and the bluray drive can provide that data on time. On PS4 and Xbone, this isn't fast enough so they have to be installed
From that point of view, a NES can load any game faster

Unfortunately, that will always happen. I think there is value in having a civil discussion, but obviously that wasn't had here. Healthy discussions can occur without vitriol (the rare unicorn of commenting!). Personally being insulted in reply only perpetuates the conflict...

You can install a large hard drive on the PS4 so it's not a problem.....

I'm no fanboy. Even though I personally chose the PS4, that doesn't say much about my gaming habit as a whole. I usually avoid these articles for that reason, but...I didn't want to stand by and watch without giving proof that I had access to.
I'm truly sorry if I've inconvenienced you in any way.

I'm merely trying to defend the thesis of the first poster, who stated a fact (er, close enough. I still don't get the point of not signing in). Don't shoot the messenger.

I'm trying to compare the two in convenience. They're just as useful, depending on the type of player you are.

ps4 (and probably xb1) games install to the hard drive because hdd speed is much faster than blu-ray speed. I'm pretty tired of pc (and console) having pop-in issue because of the engine streaming the texture to the game (cough mass effect cough).

I never said they were better it's just an issue a bulletpoint if you will. Also same with online, though you have to admit if they had a real online service it would be a lot more fun and less hassle. I like how you are comparing old games, compare it to the current game and well it's no contest. Nintendo is known