
Well, duh, but does the PS2 have PS4 functionality? Not to mention, different models of PS2's had issues running certain PS1 games.

Sadly, it is not possible whatsoever to emulate the PS3 hardware with a PS4.

That emulator on PS3 was not easy to make, so they'd have to make an entirely different one for PSV. The PS1 games on PSP are easier because PS1 is an easier system to emulate.

Once they get PS1 and PS2 emulation done, all they would need to do is to add PS3 emulation to the PS4 and make it the best PlayStation ever. If Microsoft then followed Sony in this direction with emulation for Xbox and Xbox 360, I would be able to justify buying an Xbox One.

Over 75% of the world is religious. If we're going with the "there should be proportionate representation" argument, then there should be more religious protagonists.

Well, the answer to the question is 100% yes. A PS4 COULD emulate the PS1/PS2.

The machine itself being more than capable. Pretty much a gaming-level PC with an AMD processor and an AMD GPU.

It would take next to no effort to port an existing open-source PS1/PS2 emulator to their operating system, the hard work has

PS1 and 2, yes, if a PC can emulate those then yes. PS3, not so much

Has to be where you live. Around here, I never hear the word "Jew" as an insult, except from the owner of my apartment complex, who is an old world anti-semite and reads the "Barnes Review" and tries to get other people to read it and believes in this huge, Jewish conspiracy. He's nuts, and pretty much no one else

I'll just see myself out...

My ancestors left Europe to escape racism, only to be labeled as racist for something that someone else's ancestors did a century before they got here. I know that as a white male cis scum I have no right to complain, but it still seems kind of racist.

I miss you, Hal...

That would probably be for the same reason that John Stewart gets a free pass for it and for the same reason Dave Chapelle can get away with making provocative jokes about black people. Scandalous humor is always much more acceptable when it's coming from someone belonging to the people who are the target of the joke.

Fair enough I suppose. Though I've never been a big fan of the whole 'don't label yourself' philosophy. By that I mean, the people who are like, "Don't think of yourself as a man or a Jew or an American, just as a Human." I don't really think thinking of myself as any of those things are mutually exclusive and I

Once people start incorporating religion into anything, it never takes long for it to be taken completely out of control, and especially when it's in a field where you need to get as much of a customer base as you can, singling out particular religions and turning people off from it is not the way to go... Someone's

Pics, please!

120 square feet. That is the limit of the size a structure can be built in my city without needing a permit. You also cannot have electrical run to it. I now have two 120 square foot "sheds" on my property, each with solar, that function as additional living spaces - no permits required. Other limiting factors I

Oh my god

I also tore down the walls in a pizza restaurant bathroom and it was full of dead birds about a foot high. Guess who never ate there again.

I really couldn't care less if the zombies I nuke are Jewish or not.

I don't believe in any god and I'm damn glad most protagonists don't actually show any trait of religion. I wouldn't mind playing a Jewish character and play a game that explores the religion (while having an interesting story), actually, that would be very cool, but if somebody asked me the world would be better if