
Using sprinklers/ cloud seeding seems like it is more complicated than just reducing the source of the pollution.

That gaming keyboard is nowhere to be found! :-(

If you are going to make up science to back up your wild claims, at least you should try to come up with more convincing numbers. Most astronomers guess there are between 10^22 or 10^24 stars in the universe... thats STARS. Last I checked each star had more than a few thousand atoms in it, leaving your estimate of

Wow, the ignorance is strong with this one!

Wait... So you think that in a universe of trillions upon trillions of stars, variables and oddities, our planet evolving life through coincidence is less plausible and has more holes than an omnipotent, invisible being just willing us into to existence? You obviously have a poor sense of the actual scale of the

Natural selection is the result, not the process. The process is none other than life, itself. Think of natural selection as more of the "how" and not at-all the "why." The bible is nothing more than "wishful" thinking. Chaos is our order. Chance provided us life. There's nothing wrong with that logic. There's nothing

This is what happens when you study all bible and no biology. I want to punch myself for wasting my time and feeding the troll.

I have my own religion. It's called Roamerism. I'm my own prophet and I say, "A magical man did not do it".

Just because you say it can't happen doesn't mean it couldn't have happened. You're one of those "must have an explanation for everything" kinda idiot. The problem with people like you is you have selective learning. You only see what you want to see and will disprove any evidence with your own made up BS. IMO,

"B.A. Bible/Biology"

Really? Skimming through the comments, hardly any of them are Pro PS/Anti XB. Most of them are more alike to "COD Sucks, so this sucks"

Yeah, but it's harder to mask your gamertag. or what system it's playing from. They could force his console to be shut down. Or He'll simply lose the key. Or who knows. They could go crazy, and get a warrant to find out his exact location, and sue him. But that would probably be overkill. Likely, the key will

yeah ..... you write with the confidence that you know what you are talking about and yet the content of your post suggests otherwise.

That's the way it is...there'll be zero improvement before march.

Yes, he broke the NDA. The biggest flaw with this is that Kotaku not only posted it, but he showed his gamertag. He's fucked.

It's a gaming news blog. This is gaming news. Watch it before it's taken down!

I think the part of "Alpha footage" sufficiently covers "Not finished product".

It's news. It's not Kotaku's job to make sure games look their very best, it's their job to simply post news, and alpha/beta leaks are news.

Random testers who have never had to deal with NDA's breaking a NDA? Color me shocked!