
Who woulda thought a fucking redneck wouldn't like a racing game.....But then again it's not Nascar so that could explain it...

Your white guilt is hitting critical mass.

Hypothetically.....its fun.....hypothetically, understand?

Oday otnay orgetfay aboutway ethay onnay isclosureday

I regret the error.

Hick; Redneck, let's get real and use a more appropriate descriptive perjorative for white people like this: "Cousin-Fucker"

Dear owen,

You appear to have misspelled "douche" as "gentleman"

Weird. Do you live inside of a 90's flight simulator?

"To biased"

The easiest answer is "free of humans". We had the perfect planet, we evolved in this one, and we are adapted to the whole ecosystem (not just solar radiation and certain combination of air composition, sea water and so on, we depend on i.e. the bacterial ecosystem too). Other planets probably will be not habitable

By the time I gave up, I felt it was just going through the motions. It was picking the low-hanging fruit. Couple that with the "click all the things to progress, rarely think your way through things," and I dunno. It just didn't click with me.

Tobias Staaby

" Even more remarkably, it hosts an Earth-mass planet in a 3.235 day orbit,"

"[Earth has] even spawned a radio-capable, space-faring civilization."

Bit of a strech. We have thrown some people at the nearest rock, chucked some junk into space and have driven a RC cars around. I'd hardly call us "space-faring". We are biologically weak boney, hairy, short lifespan having goo that hasn't settled

Does anyone else itch with nitpickiness when the term "solar system" is used to describe planetary systems that don't actually have a star named Sol at the center?

I think that Earth without people was probably just great. Then we all came.

Just a step away to be called dwarf Earth.

Here's my opinion...

Great, now we're living on an inferior planet. Thanks science.