
I just noticed that. The Executor kinda looks like a giant Mouse Cursor in Space.

Still doesn't change the fact that a part of me died hearing a Pokemon scream like that. Gotta understand, I grew up watching the U.S. version of Pokemon and i've never heard something like that out of a Pokemon's mouth. So excuse my ignorance, if that's what my comment portrayed.

oh my god...

a part of me died watching this. :(

Thats some how traumatizing. Seriously, hearing the screaming like that is just ... wrong

Because you know...making animals fight each other isn't supposed to actually be cute. Maybe they did it to scare the children?

Looks like SOMEONE liked the video.


this shot was far to lingering...uncomfortable much?


You realize most turtles could take your finger off right? Then you get to the alligator snapping turtles which can bite tree branches in half.


Oh, hey, another cute Pokemon video...

I have no words...Not sure what I was expecting when I read the title of this blip but damn...It kinda creeped me out listening to it...Like I felt the pain of this animated dinosaur

If you bothered to read the flippin' Pokedex, you should be sort of ready at what the hell Pokemon are really like. Freakin' wild animals with superpowers.

So this counts as a "Childhood ruined" moment huh?

Wow...jeez that scream is gonna be in my ears when I try to sleep tonight >< The Japanese anime voice actors take it seriously man.

I'm 26 and I'm traumatized after seeing this...

I have this feeling children all over the world will be traumatized after watching this.