
Not that I said it was easier, but it surely isn't rocket surgery.

Style requires sacrifice.

Hey, half a workday in a holding cell is a lot better than serving a prison sentence because you really were at home by yourself at the time of the murder but couldn't corroborate it.

"I had no way of knowing what degenerates people would be 220 years after my death, nor what kind of awesome technology we might have by then to make them behave." Ben Franklin's ghost, probably.

We can already do facial recognition pretty well, and use thermal imaging to identify people who are potentially sick (I've seen the latter at Japanese airports, probably in response to the SARS scare). Actually identifying the patterns of movement that constitute a crime is a little trickier, sure...but if facial

If the guys who would otherwise beat your ass and rob you knew that they would be on camera the entire time, as well as throughout whichever route they take to get back home, suddenly the beating and robbery is a bigger risk for them than it used to be and isn't worth the effort anymore.

"In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is Freedom, in water there is bacteria."

Finally, someone mentions the upside of this situation. Imagine if nearly every single person brought into a police station under suspicion of a crime could be free to go or sitting in a cell in as little time as it takes for an officer to check their alibi against security footage.

A simpler thing might be to...I dunno...actually punish people...

I think it is just a general comparison to let people wrap their mind around the size, not an attack on the Nintendo hardware. While KZ won't be on the WiiU it is a showcase of the direction that games are going (or at least it tries to be with all it's HD/3D/Move enabled/etc) and if Triple A games are going to

Hulk piss. never leave home without it.

Why are we surprised here? Uncharted 3 is 80GB installed.

I'm a 360 owner, idiot.


So true.

You're saying something they don't want to hear, so of course it's "not to be taken seriously!"

Actually, it's right here.

I knew someone would bring that up.

Yeah, where did I just read that it was still janky as a controller, even after it being out so long?

Twenty five joints between six people??? That's one hell of a party!