
Is that dude left handed? Oh boy, we got ways of dealing with you people here in amurrica.

This is kind of cool but doesn't seem any different than the Playstation Move.

The real future will be thought based controls. We'll probably not see that in our lifetimes but if you could couple that with a headset you'd have a Holodeck like experience without the huge room.

I really dislike the "I" brand why not try to name t something more original? Also this is the same idea behind PS move

I can see uses for this but lets be fair people hate interfaces where their arm has to be up all the time. It makes them tired

Wheaton's Law: Don't be a dick.

"especially at an expo for video games"

I do think things are changing. I've noticed a shift in momentum even over just the past few years.

I tried to raise awareness when Colbert/Stewart did it. I even sent them letters and stuff. To their credit, I haven't seen them do it again recently, so maybe that's something?

If a woman is born without a uterus or does not menstruate, she's not a woman?

If a woman has a hysterectomy, she's no longer a woman?

If a woman cannot give birth, she's not actually a woman?

I mean, every single one of the criteria you posted has -huge- problems.

Forget it, Jake, Chinatown, etc.

I mean, I'm in 100% agreement, and the "but he's a comedian!" thing is the king of all cop-outs, but...well, a lot of people are still tremendously ignorant.

Worse yet, trans issues are still pretty poorly understood by most of the population. Trans people are one of the few groups that

Transgenderism is not equivalent to sex change. Why don't people get this? Is your entire gender identity rolled up in your fucking cock? If you got castrated tomorrow, would you consider yourself a woman? There are TONS of transgender people who don't modify their genitals.

There are plenty of people born with atypical genitalia and chromosomes. Sex isn't such a black and white thing. Some people with XY chromosomes have female genitalia; are they male or female? Why should you be the one who gets to decide what pronouns they use instead of them?

*herself, her, she

Saying "What is the world coming to?" makes you sound like a 66-year old blue-haired woman, so that's what I'm going to assume in my comment.

If they're using the term "this one" it's not likely to be because of being transgender. That's a power dynamic relationship term. WRT shi, it's the troubling aspect of 'third gender', which can be problematic as it states that they aren't how they present. As Eastbound said though, use what the individual in question

Pretty much my stance on it as well. No matter your take on trans people, I think we all should be able to agree that nobody deserves to be dehumanized and called an "it", especially at a expo for video games. This wasn't someone's private home, this wasn't even some comedians horrible act at a comedy club. It was an

Just ask. Every trans/gender fluid person I've ever met would rather you ask which pronouns to use than to use the wrong ones over and over.

good comedians will target companies or something not an individual and if they do well your watching the bad type of comedian :P

Um, yes. The comedian was male, so far as we know. Thus, him.

This incident could of been avoided though if the comedian just called her by name. A good comedian will make jokes that don't hurt anyone.

Yeah, the kids there reacted, well, not like kids, but like real assholes. It's really frightening to see such ignorance and such pride of being an ignorant moron.