
and nothing of value was lost. Its a useless service.

oh look, a guy who jumps to conclusions without evidemce and uses the guilt by association fallacy, the kind of person who caused gamergate

you expected more from "bring back bullying"modo?

You expect more from "bring back bullying" modo?

What purpose? This is "bring back bullying" modo. The purpose is, they like bullying.

Theyre just going on what worked for gamergate. Afterall, gg is dead and you never hear about them anymore, right? The tactic of lying and shaming them must have worked

Youre talking to "bring back bullying" modo...

Gawker is misogynist and wants to target only women.

i am extremely pro vaccinations. And just like that, you've convinced me to stop mocking the antivaxxers. Why? Cause of how you outright lie to shame gamergate. Now I can't be sure if this is another case of the media being utter lying shitbags.

i find it extremely hypocritical that you brought up gamergates vendetta. Ffs you guys published how many gamergate is dead articles, how many slanderous articles about gg only being about harassing women. And now you're saying he mirrors ggs beliefs by wanting ethical reporting? Make up your mind. Is a vendetta ok or

if you think being called a hyperwailing obtuse shitslinger isn't an attack then you have thicker skin than I. And as for misogynist attacks I've faced far more from your side

Dont let them get to you. I noticed them too and am glad someone cares

"4chan is where hacked nude photos of various actresses were posted this summer."

But they arent opposed to it. Theyre the ones who made that problem. Why would i side with the people slandering us?

Im tired of men telling my im a misogynist for resisting their insults.

Im a lesbian in gamergate because the media attacked us all

Too realistic.

The sjw term existed long before gamergate, you bigot.

Dont be so quick. I disagree with his allegation