
I thought you wanted this to happen, given how much Anita Sarkeesian does and how much you promote her.

Wont work. If ganergate taught us anything its that violence against men is encouraged

This is what all of her examples are like though. In hitman its worse cause she had to kill hundreds of men herself to do it

Well it is what anita sarkeesian claims and this promotes the hell out of her

A tactic this site has actively promoted against others like chicfila

This is exactly what anita wants though.

You picked a horrible example. In her video the devs didnt pose the women, SHE did. By use of the global physics engine.

I love how dosagreeing = ganergate = ban him. Cause you cant learn from your mistakes that causes this

Um yes it is an example of such.

I don't think they'd employ a man

Clearly the patriarchy extends even into space. We must send our feminists to fix this galactic problem

You don't cause all nerds are fucking mysogynists

Yes there is

Actually its both sides

Actually a few have openly admitted to being misandrists. Zoe Quinn among them, on twitter

Yes, rampant


And your side is just as bad

Id love if they tried.