
If calling out your psychopathic behavior isnt bullying then your side wasnt bullied. Since zoe has doxxed multiple people and gotten them death threats

He was too ugly for me. The devil is supposed to be at least somewhat attractive

No devil from god the devil and bob?

And you are why gg wont die. You want to use the same actions you claim we are guilty of, in protest of a few people doimg those things, against people who arent. Hypocrisy.

I didnt say they were. But does that make it ok to start oppressing them? The advertisers disagree, and thats also what caused the notyourshield tag, people who werent white males that didnt want to be harassed cause sotes wanted to pretend it was all white males. Face it, your side/sites were racist and theyre losing

"It would appear that your data here is pretty heavily cherry-picked, "

"This is easily proven false if you're actually interested in the facts of the situation"

"Better retaliate by threatening people with rape, with murder even"

Actually I did, and that's why they lost Intel as an advertiser. They saw it the same way. You think they didn't read it?

Or islam. But instead theyll treat gamers worse than a group woth actual murderers

The problen is, yes, they are saying we are all this bad. They have been from the start. Thats what caused gamergate. A bunch of sites got together and decided theyd all print an article insulting all gamers, white males the most. Leigh's from gamasutra was the worst and why they lost Intel as an advertiser.

It did start long before this though. Gamergate the tag started when the gaming sites got together and printed ten or so articles about gamers lacking social skills and cabt dress themselves, stop making games for them.

Id say, before we can say journalistic ethics

"And subsequent total lack of doxxing, when a prominent man speaks critically about Gamergate"

I did wait. Not by choice. But man gbc was impressive, so tiny

"so things to be pretty advanced."

"I got my skin in the game after the "gamers are dead, gamers are over, etc" articles."

I agree, so stop contributing to it. You are organized, gamergate is not. You cannot demand organized actions from something that is inherently unorganized. But this has proved you/the media are organized. So the solution is simple. Admit you lied, apologize, shut up, gamergate dies instantly. We all win.

You're welcome. I enjoy mine, for the games it'll actually play. The DS4 is a wonderful controller.

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