
The fbi recommends not broadcasting the threats cause it makes it worse. Tell the fbi, be done with it

Except the many articles about gamers recebtly do include the nonviolent ones in their villification. The two on gamasutra especially.

But why is it ok for one side to use death threats but not the other?

There are too sides. Why is it ok for death threats to come from your side, but wrong for gamergate?

Go to jezebel amd you will.

Except there have been threats. In fact the first one came from zoes supporters

And he could honestly say the same to you

The media tarnished the label before harassing ever started.

It is debatable once you read this

Actualpy it started with zoe quinn harassing a charity for female game devs

You are exactly what im asking for more of.

I like how they ignore that zoe herself is guilty of the things they hate gamergate for

Read this and youll find out

I think you need to do more research

You forgot the part where she doxxed a charity for female game devs resulting in its leader getting death threats

Actually it was created before that

But the antigamergate has the exact same shady origin, read this

Thank you. you're the first person I've seen who pointed out the hypocrisy

Islam does have leaders though which have told their followers to kill, and they have. Do we get to treat all muslims as terrorists?